- New York, NY
- karmacelina.github.io
Directory of tutorials and open-source code repositories for working with Keras, the Python deep learning library
Goes beyond PEP8 to discuss what makes Python code feel great. A Strunk & White for Python.
MinHash, LSH, LSH Forest, Weighted MinHash, HyperLogLog, HyperLogLog++, LSH Ensemble and HNSW
Data and pipeline for Mortality in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria
Use evolutionary algorithms instead of gridsearch in scikit-learn
Python Client for Instagram API
CorEx or "Correlation Explanation" discovers a hierarchy of informative latent factors. This reference implementation has been superseded by other versions below.
A python library for searching most recent hashtags via Instagrams search engine
Code for determining optimal number of clusters for K-means algorithm using the 'elbow criterion'
materials for talk on PyData London 38th meet-up
This tool scrapes status.pr every hour and keeps tracks of changing metrics in order to help visualize and measure progress.
This repository is a place to place ideas and communication records in an effort to keep everything open and accesible.
A Python library for the Bureau of Labor Statistics API
A scikit-learn compatible implementation of MCA
👑 Multivariate exploratory data analysis in Python — PCA, CA, MCA, MFA, FAMD, GPA
1 Line of code data quality profiling & exploratory data analysis for Pandas and Spark DataFrames.
aka "Bayesian Methods for Hackers": An introduction to Bayesian methods + probabilistic programming with a computation/understanding-first, mathematics-second point of view. All in pure Python ;)
Tokenization and pre-processing for Twitter data used to train classifiers.
Notebook to download machine learning flashcards
Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
A Python implementation of Larry's famous PageRank algorithm.
A Python Automated Machine Learning tool that optimizes machine learning pipelines using genetic programming.
Java library and command-line application for converting Scikit-Learn pipelines to PMML
Zipline, a Pythonic Algorithmic Trading Library
Code for building ConceptNet from raw data.
The project is to develop an AI program that can conduct commonsense reasoning based on a commonsense ontology ConceptNet. It consists of two basic functions of interacting with a commonsense ontol…