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Initial commit for Einthusan.bundle
  • Loading branch information
coder-alpha committed May 31, 2015
1 parent 5371931 commit 4476782
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Showing 15 changed files with 404 additions and 0 deletions.
347 changes: 347 additions & 0 deletions Contents/Code/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
# - v0.01

TITLE = "Einthusan"
PREFIX = "/video/einthusan"
ART = "art-default.jpg"
ICON = "icon-einthusan.png"
ICON_LIST = "icon-list.png"
ICON_COVER = "icon-cover.png"
ICON_SEARCH = "icon-search.png"
ICON_NEXT = "icon-next.png"
ICON_MOVIES = "icon-movies.png"
ICON_SERIES = "icon-series.png"
ICON_QUEUE = "icon-queue.png"
ICON_UNAV = "MoviePosterUnavailable.jpg"
LANG_URL = "index.php?lang="
CATEGORY_HD_URL = 'movies'

# Set global variables

def Start():

ObjectContainer.title1 = TITLE = R(ART)
DirectoryObject.thumb = R(ICON_LIST) = R(ART)
VideoClipObject.thumb = R(ICON_MOVIES) = R(ART)

HTTP.Headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0'
HTTP.Headers['Referer'] = ''

# Menu hierarchy

@handler(PREFIX, TITLE, art=ART, thumb=ICON)
def MainMenu():

oc = ObjectContainer(title2=TITLE)
oc.add(InputDirectoryObject(key = Callback(Search, lang = Prefs['langPref'], page_count=1), title='Search', summary='Search Movies', prompt='Search for...'))
oc.add(DirectoryObject(key = Callback(Bookmarks, title="My Movie Bookmarks"), title = "My Movie Bookmarks", thumb = R(ICON_QUEUE)))
oc.add(PrefsObject(title = 'Preferences', thumb = R('icon-prefs.png')))

oc.add(DirectoryObject(key = Callback(ShowMenu, title = 'Movies'), title = 'Movies', thumb = R(ICON_MOVIES)))

return oc

@route(PREFIX + "/showMenu")
def ShowMenu(title):
oc2 = ObjectContainer(title2='Movies')
oc2.add(DirectoryObject(key = Callback(SortMenu, title = 'Bluray Movies', lang = Prefs['langPref'], cat = CATEGORY_BLURAY_URL, page_count = 1), title = 'Bluray Movies', thumb = R(ICON_MOVIES)))
oc2.add(DirectoryObject(key = Callback(SortMenu, title = 'HD Movies', lang = Prefs['langPref'], cat = CATEGORY_HD_URL, page_count = 1), title = 'HD Movies', thumb = R(ICON_MOVIES)))

return oc2

@route(PREFIX + "/sortMenu")
def SortMenu(title, lang, cat, page_count):
oc = ObjectContainer(title2='Sort Movies By')
oc.add(DirectoryObject(key = Callback(SortMenu2, title=title, lang=lang, cat=cat, page_count=page_count, org='Activity', filter='RecentlyPosted'), title = 'Activity', thumb = R(ICON_LIST)))
oc.add(DirectoryObject(key = Callback(SortMenu2, title=title, lang=lang, cat=cat, page_count=page_count, org = 'Alphabetical', filter='RecentlyPosted'), title = 'Alphabetical', thumb = R(ICON_LIST)))
oc.add(DirectoryObject(key = Callback(SortMenu2, title=title, lang=lang, cat=cat, page_count=page_count, org = 'Cast', filter='RecentlyPosted'), title = 'Cast', thumb = R(ICON_LIST)))
oc.add(DirectoryObject(key = Callback(SortMenu2, title=title, lang=lang, cat=cat, page_count=page_count, org = 'Year', filter='RecentlyPosted'), title = 'Year', thumb = R(ICON_LIST)))
oc.add(DirectoryObject(key = Callback(SortMenu2, title=title, lang=lang, cat=cat, page_count=page_count, org = 'Rating', filter='RecentlyPosted'), title = 'Rating', thumb = R(ICON_LIST)))
oc.add(DirectoryObject(key = Callback(SortMenu2, title=title, lang=lang, cat=cat, page_count=page_count, org = 'Director', filter='RecentlyPosted'), title = 'Director', thumb = R(ICON_LIST)))

return oc

@route(PREFIX + "/sortMenu2")
def SortMenu2(title, lang, cat, page_count, org, filter):
oc = ObjectContainer(title2='Filter Using')
furl = BASE_URL + '/' + cat + '/' + LANG_URL + lang + '&organize=' + org + '&filtered=' + filter + '&org_type=' + org
page_data = HTML.ElementFromURL(str(furl))
elem = page_data.xpath(".//div[@class='video-organizer-element-wrapper']")
for each in elem:
filters = each.xpath(".//a//text()")

for each in filters:
filter = each
filterS = filter
if org == 'Activity':
filterS = filter.replace(" ", "")
#Log(" Filter ------------ " + filter)
oc.add(DirectoryObject(key = Callback(ShowCategory, title=title, lang=lang, org=org, filter=filterS, cat=cat, page_count=page_count, search='null'), title = filter, thumb = R(ICON_LIST)))

return oc

# Creates page url from category and creates objects from that page

@route(PREFIX + "/showcategory")
def ShowCategory(title, lang, org, filter, cat, page_count, search):

furl = BASE_URL + '/' + cat + '/' + LANG_URL + lang
furl = furl + '&page=' + page_count + '&organize=' + org + '&filtered=' + filter + '&org_type=' + org

if cat == 'bluray':
furl = furl + '&bluray=BLURAY'

if search != 'null':
furl = furl + '&search=' + search

categorytitle = title
oc = ObjectContainer(title1 = title)

page_data = HTML.ElementFromURL(str(furl))
movies = page_data.xpath(".//div[@class='video-object-wrapper']")

for each in movies:
#Log("Each--------" + str(movies[0]))

ffurl = each.xpath("a/@href")[0].lstrip('..')
#Log("ffurl--------" + str(ffurl))
title = str(each.xpath(".//div//div//h1//a//text()")[0])
if cat == 'bluray':
title = title.replace(" Blu-ray", "")
#title = unicode(each.xpath("div/a/img/@alt"))
#Log("title--------" + title)
art = str(each.xpath('.//a//img//@src')[0])
#Log("art--------" + str(art))
thumb = BASE_URL + str(each.xpath('.//a//img//@src')[1]).lstrip('..').replace(" ","%20")
#Log("thumb--------" + str(thumb))
summary = unicode(each.xpath("div//div//p[@class='desc_body']//text()")[0])
#Log("summary--------" + str(summary))

key = Callback(EpisodeDetail, title = title, url = ffurl, thumb = thumb, summary = summary, art = art),
title = title,
summary = summary,
thumb = Resource.ContentsOfURLWithFallback(url = thumb, fallback='MoviePosterUnavailable.jpg')

key = Callback(ShowCategory, title = title, lang = lang, org = org, filter = filter, cat = cat, page_count = int(page_count) + 1, search=search),
title = "More...",
thumb = R(ICON_NEXT)

if len(oc) == 1:
return ObjectContainer(header=title, message='No More Videos Available')
return oc

# Gets metadata and google docs link from episode page. Checks for trailer availablity.

@route(PREFIX + "/episodedetail")
def EpisodeDetail(title, url, thumb, summary, art):

url = BASE_URL + url
oc = ObjectContainer(title1 = unicode(title), art=art)

title = title
description = summary
thumb = thumb

#Log("----------- url ----------------")
url = url,
art = art,
title = title,
thumb = Resource.ContentsOfURLWithFallback(url = thumb, fallback='MoviePosterUnavailable.jpg'),
summary = description
url = ""

if Check(title=title,url=url):
key = Callback(RemoveBookmark, title = title, url = url),
title = "Remove Bookmark",
art = art,
summary = 'Removes the current movie from the Boomark que',
thumb = R(ICON_QUEUE)
key = Callback(AddBookmark, title = title, url = url),
title = "Bookmark Video",
summary = 'Adds the current movie to the Boomark que',
art = art,
thumb = R(ICON_QUEUE)

return oc

# Loads bookmarked shows from Dict. Titles are used as keys to store the show urls.

@route(PREFIX + "/bookmarks")
def Bookmarks(title):

oc = ObjectContainer(title1 = title)

for each in Dict:
url = Dict[each]
#Log("url-----------" + url)
if url.find(TITLE.lower()) != -1:
page_data = HTML.ElementFromURL(url)
movies = page_data.xpath(".//div[@class='video-object-wrapper']")

for each in movies:
#Log("Each--------" + str(movies[0]))

ffurl = each.xpath("a/@href")[0].lstrip('..')
#Log("ffurl--------" + str(ffurl))
title = str(each.xpath(".//div//div//h1//a//text()")[0])
#title = unicode(each.xpath("div/a/img/@alt"))
#Log("title--------" + title)
art = str(each.xpath('.//a//img//@src')[0])
#Log("art--------" + str(art))
thumb = BASE_URL + str(each.xpath('.//a//img//@src')[1]).lstrip('..')
#Log("thumb--------" + str(thumb))
summary = unicode(each.xpath("div//div//p[@class='desc_body']//text()")[0])
#Log("summary--------" + str(summary))

key = Callback(EpisodeDetail, title = title, url = ffurl, thumb = thumb, summary = summary, art = art),
title = title,
summary = summary,
thumb = Resource.ContentsOfURLWithFallback(url = thumb, fallback='MoviePosterUnavailable.jpg')

#add a way to clear bookmarks list
key = Callback(ClearBookmarks),
title = "Clear Bookmarks",
thumb = R(ICON_QUEUE),
summary = "CAUTION! This will clear your entire bookmark list!"

if len(oc) == 1:
return ObjectContainer(header=title, message='No Bookmarked Videos Available')
return oc

# Checks a show to the bookmarks list using the title as a key for the url
@route(PREFIX + "/checkbookmark")
def Check(title, url):
bool = False
url = Dict[title]
#Log("url-----------" + url)
if url != None and (url.lower()).find(TITLE.lower()) != -1:
bool = True

return bool

# Adds a show to the bookmarks list using the title as a key for the url

@route(PREFIX + "/addbookmark")
def AddBookmark(title, url):

Dict[title] = url
return ObjectContainer(header=title, message='This show has been added to your bookmarks.')
# Removes a show to the bookmarks list using the title as a key for the url

@route(PREFIX + "/removebookmark")
def RemoveBookmark(title, url):

Dict[title] = 'removed'
return ObjectContainer(header=title, message='This show has been removed from your bookmarks.')
# Clears the Dict that stores the bookmarks list

@route(PREFIX + "/clearbookmarks")
def ClearBookmarks():

return ObjectContainer(header="My Bookmarks", message='Your bookmark list will be cleared soon.')

@route(PREFIX + "/search")
def Search(query, lang, page_count):

oc = ObjectContainer(title2='Search Results')
data = HTTP.Request(SEARCH_URL + '?lang='+ lang +'&search_query=%s' % String.Quote(query, usePlus=True), headers="").content
page_data = HTML.ElementFromString(data)
movies1 = page_data.xpath(".//div[@class='search-category']//ul//li")
for each1 in movies1:
name = each1.xpath(".//a//text()")[0]
Log("name--------" + name)
if name == 'show more movies...' or c > 6:
key = Callback(ShowCategory, title=query, lang=lang, org='Activity', filter='RecentlyPosted', cat='movies', page_count=int(page_count)+1, search=query),
title = "More...",
thumb = R(ICON_NEXT)
url = BASE_URL + each1.xpath(".//a//@href")[0].lstrip('..')
page_data = HTML.ElementFromURL(url)
movies = page_data.xpath(".//div[@class='video-object-wrapper']")

for each in movies:
#Log("Each--------" + str(movies[0]))

ffurl = each.xpath(".//a//@href")[0].lstrip('..')
Log("ffurl--------" + str(ffurl))
title = str(each.xpath(".//div//div//h1//a//text()")[0])
#title = unicode(each.xpath("div/a/img/@alt"))
#Log("title--------" + title)
art = str(each.xpath('.//a//img//@src')[0])
#Log("art--------" + str(art))
thumb = BASE_URL + str(each.xpath('.//a//img//@src')[1]).lstrip('..').replace(" ","%20")
#Log("thumb--------" + str(thumb))
summary = unicode(each.xpath("div//div//p[@class='desc_body']//text()")[0])
#Log("summary--------" + str(summary))

key = Callback(EpisodeDetail, title = title, url = ffurl, thumb = thumb, summary = summary, art = art),
title = title,
summary = summary,
thumb = Resource.ContentsOfURLWithFallback(url = thumb, fallback='MoviePosterUnavailable.jpg')

if len(oc) == 1:
return ObjectContainer(header=title, message='No Videos Available')
return oc

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Contents/DefaultPrefs.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
[ { "id": "langPref", "label": "Language", "type": "enum", "values": ["hindi","tamil","telegu","malayalam"], "default": "hindi" },]
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Contents/Info.plist
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Binary file added Contents/Resources/MoviePosterUnavailable.jpg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Contents/Resources/art-default.jpg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Contents/Resources/icon-cover.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Contents/Resources/icon-einthusan.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Contents/Resources/icon-list.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Contents/Resources/icon-movies.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Contents/Resources/icon-next.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Contents/Resources/icon-prefs.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Contents/Resources/icon-queue.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Contents/Resources/icon-search.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Contents/Resources/icon-series.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

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