Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | Code | Must Code
Add two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers | Code
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | Code | Must Code
Number of Islands | Code | Must Code
Merge sorted linked lists | Code | Must Code
These are a collection of algorithms/problems likely to be asked in Computer Vision based coding interviews, partly taken from this subreddit
Apply a Box filter over an image, given an Image class | Code
[Given stride and kernel sizes for each layer of a (1-dimensional) CNN, create a function to compute the receptive field of a particular node in the network. This is just finding how many input nodes actually connect through to a neuron in a CNN.] | Code
How would you implement a sparse matrix class in C++? Implement a sparse matrix class in C++ | Code
Create a function to compute an integral image, and create another function to get area sums from the integral image | Code
Implement SQRT(const double & x) without using any special functions, just fundamental arithmetic. | Code
[Given n correspondences between n images taken from cameras with approximately known poses, find the position of the corresponding 3D feature point.] | Code
[How do you rotate an image 90 degrees most efficiently if you don't know anything about the cache of the system you're working on?] | Code
How do you most precisely and reliably find the pose of an object (of a known class) in a monocular RGB image? | Code
How do you create concurrent programs that operate on the same data without the use of locks | Code
Implement non maximal suppression as efficiently as you can | Code