python-for-devops Public
Forked from iam-veeramalla/python-for-devopsLearn Python from DevOps Engineer point of you.
90DaysOfDevOps Public
Forked from LondheShubham153/90DaysOfDevOpsThis repository is a Challenge for the DevOps Community to get stronger in DevOps. This challenge starts on the 1st January 2023 and in the next 90 Days we promise ourselves to become better at Dev…
aws-devops-zero-to-hero Public
Forked from iam-veeramalla/aws-devops-zero-to-heroAWS zero to hero repo for devops engineers to learn AWS in 30 Days. This repo includes projects, presentations, interview questions and real time examples.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 23, 2023 -
three-tier-eks-deployment Public
Forked from LondheShubham153/three-tier-eks-deploymentHCL MIT License UpdatedOct 15, 2023 -
prometheus-Grafana-Zero-to-Hero Public
Forked from iam-veeramalla/observability-zero-to-hero[WIP]: Repo for learning how monitor your kubernetes clusters using prometheus and visualize using grafana
UpdatedOct 4, 2023 -
terraform-zero-to-hero Public
Forked from iam-veeramalla/terraform-zero-to-heroMaster Terraform in 7 days using this Zero to Hero course.
HCL UpdatedOct 4, 2023 -
Docker-Zero-to-Hero Public
Forked from iam-veeramalla/Docker-Zero-to-HeroRepo to learn Docker with examples. Contributions are most welcome.
UpdatedSep 26, 2023 -
shell-scripting-projects Public
Forked from iam-veeramalla/shell-scripting-projectsProjects on shell scripting. Goal is to simulate real time projects as much as posible.
Shell UpdatedSep 26, 2023 -
Kubernetes-Zero-to-Hero Public
Forked from iam-veeramalla/Kubernetes-Zero-to-HeroCreating this repo with an intent to make Kubernetes easy for begineers. This is a work-in-progress repo.
UpdatedSep 21, 2023 -
terraform-practice Public
Forked from LondheShubham153/terraform-practicesome practice terraform scripts
HCL UpdatedSep 19, 2023 -
kubestarter Public
Forked from LondheShubham153/kubestarterThis is a Repository to get you started with Kubernetes.
UpdatedSep 8, 2023 -
react_django_demo_app Public
Forked from LondheShubham153/react_django_demo_appA demo app for React and Django Deployment
JavaScript UpdatedAug 15, 2023 -
django-notes-app Public
Forked from LondheShubham153/django-notes-appJavaScript UpdatedAug 12, 2023 -
two-tier-flask-app Public
Forked from LondheShubham153/two-tier-flask-appPython UpdatedAug 6, 2023 -
BashBlaze-7-Days-of-Bash-Scripting-Challenge Public
Forked from prajwalpd7/BashBlaze-7-Days-of-Bash-Scripting-ChallengeIn this repository, the DevOps community can take on a thrilling and distinctive challenge. In just seven days, participants will undertake a journey to become experts in Bash scripting. with each …
django-todo-cicd Public
Forked from LondheShubham153/django-todo-cicdThis repo is for Django todo app deployment as a Devops engineer via Jenkins
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 12, 2023 -
TerraWeek Public
Forked from LondheShubham153/TerraWeek#TerraWeek Challenge by TWS Community Builders is a 7 Day challenge to Upskill the DevOps Community, which will be starting on 5th June and ending on 11th June at 11:59 P.M IST.
HCL UpdatedJun 11, 2023