Python for .NET is a package that gives Python programmers nearly seamless integration with the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) and provides a powerful application scripting tool for .NET develo…
Officially supported dotnet Kubernetes Client library
Sync Windows configuration, program settings, dotfiles and PowerShell profiles
Command-line tool to remotely execute commands on Windows machines through WinRM
A completion manager for better and simpler use completions in PowerShell. 一个 PowerShell 命令补全管理模块,更简单、更方便的在 PowerShell 中使用命令补全。
Jexus is a high-performance web server and reverse proxy server that works on Linux, and it is also a high-quality container for self-hosted web applications such as core, tomcat, golang we…
💻 🐳 🐘 🐬 🐧 🚀 Start Docker LNMP(LEMP) In less than 2 minutes Powered by Docker Compose. 让 PHP 开发者快速(一键)搭建基于容器技术(Docker、Kubernetes)的开发、测试、生产(CI/CD by Drone)环境.
参考《自己动手写 docker》从零开始实现一个简易的 docker 以及相关教程。Build a simple Docker from scratch along with related tutorials.
PowerShell module and ACME client to create certificates from Let's Encrypt (or other ACME CA)
This project builds SQLite.Interop.dll as platform specific binary for Linux and OSX.
Sample on how to create an Avalonia 11 UI directly from powershell
PowerShell CmdLets for YAML format manipulation
A simple webserver implemented by PowerShell
Prometheus instrumentation library for Powershell applications
A PowerShell module for copying files between two paths that have been determined to have changed via computed hash value comparison.
A Java Virtual Machine and Bytecode-to-IL Converter for .NET
PowerShell module to run a Selenium WebDriver.