Create an application to demonstrate your skills. It does not need to be perfect, just a high level example of what you like to work with. We will focus on the good that is made in the example you provide.
NB Focus on the things you are already familiar with, to avoid spending too much time on investigations. Approximate time to spend on the task: 2-4 hours
Environment: The demo should run in Visual Studio and only make use of frameworks available through NuGet.
Start off by forking this repository.
There is no requirement to the type of demo you choose to make. An example could be a website where it is possible to enter a series of letters that when send to a web service will be manipulated and stored. Through the website it will also be possible to retrieve already saved data and display it.
NB Please focus on the SOLID principles NB Please do small commits, and many commits with a simple, yet good message.
The folowing is a list of ideas. It does not have to be one of these exact items you create. Use this as insiration.
Create a selfhosted aspnetcore application with
- NPM packages and Webpack build frontend
- MVC or single page application within the aspnetcore hosted enviroment
- Add a GIS map and place items on the map. -It is fine to use the inbuilt IoC/DI from MS
- Utilize aspnetcore rest and place symbols on the map collected from a sqlite db in the app_data folder.
- Use an ORM for the db work
Create and Xamarin app with:
- GIS map integrqated
- Add place symbols on the map collected from a sqlite db in the assets folder
- Use an ORM for the db work
- Integrate the GPS and locate your position on the map.
Create a selfhosted console / application with:
- Topshelf integration
- NancyFx for resf self hosting
- Utilize rest and and expose any data from a sqlite db in a app_data folder.
- Use an ORM for the db work
- Integration of an IoC/Di (Ninject, Windsor, Autofac, Simple, Tiny) usitilizing constructor injection.
- Communication between backend and frontend (WCF, Rest, SOAP)
- A fundamental understanding of how to make and organize UI code. Any pattern (MVC, MVVM etc.) and framework (ASP .NET, Xamarin, WPF) can be used
- Data storage on the backend. E.g. Serialization/Deserialization to file or integration with Sql. Sql script, Entity Framework, Serialization
- A firm understanding of more advanced .Net concepts. E.g. Reflection, Generics and Linq, Threading
- Unit tests on all code, or at least, be able to show how all code is unit testable. E.g. NUnit, Moq/Subversion, Constructor Injection
Please fill out any result here. and send us the url to your fork.