This implements the YOLO object detection algorithm on the ViWi Dataset for single user co-located camera scenarios. The YOLO model is trained to detect a single user in the image and output a bounding box around the user. Training and testing dataset generated using image-labeling tool in MATLAB. The dataset can be downloaded from ViWi Dataset. (scenrio 2 and 3)
Training Dataset: -Dataset contains images from all three cameras -300 images (mix of all three cameras)
Testing Dataset: TestDataset.mat -101 images (mix of all three cameras)
YOLO Training: yoloTrainViWi.m Trained Model: viWiYOLODetector_V2
YOLO Testing: yoloTestViWi.m
This network is trained to map the location of the bounding box in the image to the (x,y) locations on the map. The input to the network are 4 values that define the bound box. The output are two values that (x,y) geolocation coordinates on the map. Since there are 3 cameras, there are three MLP networks (one for each camera).
Training Dataset: TrainMLPDatasetCam1_V2.mat,TrainMLPDatasetCam1_V2.mat,TrainMLPDatasetCam1_V2.mat
Testing Dataset: TestMLPDataset.mat corresponds to the TestDataset.mat
MLP Training: mlpTrainViWi.m, buildNetfc_H3.m
Trained Models: TrainedNetCam1, TrainedNetCam2, TrainedNetCam3
MLP Testing: mlpTestViwi.m
This part integrates 1 and 2 into an end-to-end system and calculates the localization accuracy. The input to the system is a image from one of the camera and the output is the estimated user location.
Single Sample Test: SingleSampleTest.m
- Tests a single sample from the dataset.
- Outputs the input image overlayed with the bounding box and the localization error.
System Testing: TestSystem.m
- Outputs the localization error over the entire training dataset (mean error, cdf...etc)
If you have any question regarding the codes, dont hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or [email protected]