model_manager Public
Forked from openfoundry-ai/model_managerModel Manager is a Python package that simplifies the process of deploying an open source AI model to your own cloud.
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 26, 2024 -
vocode-python Public
Forked from vocodedev/vocode-core🤖 Build voice-based LLM agents. Modular + open source.
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 14, 2023 -
autotab-starter Public
Forked from Planetary-Computers/autotab-starterBuild browser agents for real world tasks
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 12, 2023 -
SalesGPT Public
Forked from filip-michalsky/SalesGPTContext-aware AI Sales Agent to automate sales outreach.
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 10, 2023 -
markprompt Public
Forked from EdgarHnd/markpromptOpen-source GPT-4 platform for Markdown, Markdoc and MDX with built-in analytics
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 20, 2023 -
go Public
Forked from datasciencemasters/goThe Open Source Data Science Masters
The Unlicense UpdatedAug 6, 2016 -
Freetch Public
Forked from andrewgjohnson-forks/FreetchAn iPhone app to match drivers looking for spots with drivers leaving their spots
Objective-C UpdatedJun 27, 2014 -
adicu.github.com Public
Forked from adicu/adicu.github.com-depThe new adicu.com developed with jekyll and GitHub Pages
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 21, 2014 -
devfest-webdev Public
Forked from adicu/learn-webdevThe intro to web development curriculum for DevFest
CSS UpdatedFeb 10, 2014 -
Droptiles Public
Forked from oazabir/DroptilesDroptiles is a "Windows 8 Start" like Metro-style Web 2.0 Dashboard. It compromises of Live Tiles. Tiles are mini apps that can fetch data from external sources. Clicking on a tile launches the ful…
JavaScript UpdatedAug 24, 2013 -
List-CU-columbia Public
List@CU:A craigslist style website for the Columbia Community
etherpad-lite Public
Forked from ether/etherpad-liteReally real-time collaborative document editing for the rest of us
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 2, 2013 -
Courseworkstest Public
Courseworks website for ROR Spring Freshman Semester
Anypic Public
Forked from ParsePlatform/AnypicAn open source mobile and web app that lets users share photos similar to Instagram
Objective-C Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedApr 30, 2013 -
AnyYolk Public
Forked from buzzedword/AnyYolkJavaScript Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedApr 30, 2013 -
simple-api-client-example-ruby Public
Forked from ryantss/simple-api-client-example-rubyA simple Ruby application, using Sinatra, to demonstrate configuration and usage of the Evernote Cloud API
Ruby UpdatedMar 29, 2013 -
stackmob-python-examples Public
Forked from camen/stackmob-python-examplesExample code to illustrate how to connect a Python codebase to the StackMob API
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 1, 2012 -
Marketplace Public
Forked from topdsoft/MarketplaceCakePHP based marketplace software for classified ads. (like craigslist)
PHP UpdatedDec 10, 2011