University of Michigan School of Information
- Ann Arbor, MI
- http://kristineauwers.com
Swap the selected symbols and/or symbol instances to a master of the same name in a library.
Sketch plugin to replace symbols in an existing documents with library symbols 💎 📚
A versioned, comprehensive kit of the Carbon Design System visual assets (components, icons, pictograms, text styles, color styles, grid templates).
Python library for verifying Blockcerts
Python script for converting ArcGIS .mxd files to QGIS. Not under development
Sketch plugin that distributes selected objects vertically or horizontally with a given spacing
Organize your symbols page alphabetically (including layer list) and into groupings determined by your symbol names.
Upload your files to remote host after every change. Both SCP/SFTP and FTP are supported.
📣 Help Wanted - Looking for Maintainer: https://github.com/Glavin001/atom-beautify/issues/2572 | 💄 Universal beautification package for Atom editor (
Junction is a software to manage proposals, reviews, schedule, feedback during conference.
Sample application for UMSI Django Bootcamp May 2017.
JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent
Arduino library for SPI and I2C access to the PN532 RFID/Near Field Communication chip
Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
kauwers / pafy
Forked from mps-youtube/pafyPython library to download YouTube content and retrieve metadata
Future versions with model training module will be maintained through a forked version here: https://github.com/seasalt-ai/snowboy
Some simple modifications to the example sketches supplied by Arduino (when you go to File>Examples using the top menubar) to match the pins on the LilyPad ProtoSnap created by SparkFun.
Automatic Analysis of Music Performance Style One fundamental problem in computational music is analysis and modeling of performance style. Last year’s successful CUROP project revealed, through pe…
Loopalooza is a system that estimates and manipulates rhythmic structures from audio loops in real-time to perform syncopation transformations. The core of our system is a technique for the manipul…
MagicMirror² is an open source modular smart mirror platform. With a growing list of installable modules, the MagicMirror² allows you to convert your hallway or bathroom mirror into your personal a…