A Linux based application that can transcribe audio file of English or German to text.
Consecutively it can also detect the sentiment in the text.
Works completely offline!
Based on our published paper - German Speech Recognition System using DeepSpeech
Setup your environment
If virtual environment is not installed on your Linux machine -
sudo apt install virtualenv
Navigate to your Transcriber directory (or create one)
mkdir transcriber
cd transcriber
Clone this git content
git clone https://github.com/kaveenkumar/Speech_Recognition_and_Emotion_Detection_in_English_and_German.git
cd Speech_Recognition_and_Emotion_Detection_in_English_and_German
Initiate and activate a venv
virtualenv -p python3 transcriber
source transcriber/bin/activate
mkvirtualenv transcriber
Install the prerequisites inside venv
(transcriber) pip3 install -r requirements/requirements.txt
For sentiment analysis we use the corpora from textblob.
run the following command to download it
python -m textblob.download_corpora
The model files are too large to be uploaded on GitHub. Hence, download them from here
Once the model files are downloaded, move them to the proper storage structure such that the main file can read them. Directory structure to follow:
Simply run the below command to launch the GUI
python3 transcriber_gui.py
Steps to use the GUI-
- Choose the language: English or German
- Choose input: Microphone or file upload
- Browse for the wav file if file upload chosen
- Click on 'Start speaking' for microphone or 'Transcribe wav' for file upload
The output of text and sentiment is displayed on the transcription window.
Enjoy! :')
Note: if you notice the GUI crashing, please remember to follow this procedure: Everytime you want to change between 'mic' and 'file upload', always remember to follow this sequence - 'click on language' -> 'click on mic / file' -> 'click on start speaking / transcribe wav'. If you want to change from file_upload to mic (or mic to file), always click on language first, then mic and then start speaking.
Our report can be obtained from Research Gate - https://www.researchgate.net/project/Speech-Recognition-and-Emotion-Detection-in-English-and-German
We primarily utilized Mozilla DeepSpeech - https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech
English sentiment analysis - https://www.liip.ch/en/blog/sentiment-detection-with-keras-word-embeddings-and-lstm-deep-learning-networks
German sentiment analysis - https://textblob-de.readthedocs.io
If you find our work useful, kindly cite us:
author = {Xu, Jiahua and Matta, Kaveen and Islam, Shaiful and N\"{u}rnberger, Andreas},
title = {German Speech Recognition System Using DeepSpeech},
year = {2020},
isbn = {9781450377607},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3443279.3443313},
doi = {10.1145/3443279.3443313},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval},
pages = {102–106},
numpages = {5},
keywords = {neural networks, speech-to-text, Deep learning, natural language processing},
location = {Seoul, Republic of Korea},
series = {NLPIR 2020}