Darzana is a DSL for backends-for-frontends (BFF). Darzana has some features as follows:
- Call APIs Asynchronously
- Define APIs by describing the Swagger specifications
- Validate form parameters by BeanValidation
- Render a HTML template
(control/defroute "category/create" :post
(mapper/read-value {:var "category"} {:type io.swagger.model.Category :var :category})
(-> (api/call-api {:id :petstore :path "/category" :method :post})
(control/redirect "/category"))
(renderer/render {:template "/petstore/category/new"})))
Darzana has some commands for describing specification of endpoints.
Define routing.
(control/defroute "/pet" :get ... )
Call multiple APIs in parallel.
(api/call-api [{:id :petstore :path "/pet/{petId}" :method :get}
{:id :petstore :path "/user/{userId}" :method :get}])
is a command that converts to an another darzana scope variable.
(mapper/read-value {:var "pet"} {:scope :page, :var :pet, :type io.swagger.model.Pet})
If type
parameter exists, validate automatically.
Add an authenticated user to session.
(mapper/read-value {:var :login-user} {:scope :session})
Render a HTML template.
(renderer/render {:template "pet/show"})
This is a command for conditional processing. If the error scope is empty,
(renderer/render {:template "pet/show"})
(renderer/render {:template "error"}))
Create a deps.edn
{net.unit8.darzana/darzana {:mvn/version "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"}}}
{:duct.core/environment :development
:duct.core/include ["darzana/config"]
:darzana.api-spec/swagger {:swagger-path "swagger"}
:darzana.template/freemarker {:template-path "ftl"}
:darzana.http-client/okhttp {}
:darzana/runtime {:routes-path "scripts"}}
Run server using by clj
% clj -m darzana.main application.edn
Copyright © 2017-2018 kawasima Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.