- Create a Conda env:
conda create -n grokking python=3.8
conda activate grokking
- Install torch
- Install the rest of dependencies:
pip install -r src/requirement.txt
- Configure Comet ML
Run the following:
import comet_ml
Train and eval
python src/main.py --configs "configs/power_et_al2.conf,configs/data/moddiv.conf" train
Check out the experiments
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/kazemnejad/grokking.git
cd grokking
- Create a link to
chmod a+x $PWD/scripts/launch_experiment.py
ln -sf $PWD/scripts/launch_experiment.py ~/.local/bin/gr_launch_exp
- Setup a conda env for
module load miniconda/3
conda create -n grokking python=3.8
conda activate grokking
pip install comet_ml ipython
- Setup Comet ML:
import comet_ml
- Download the Singularity image
module load singularity
mkdir -p ~/scratch/containers
cd ~/scratch/containers
singularity pull library://amrhssn/default/image:latest
mv image_latest.sif pt.sif
We use the following command:
usage: launch_experiment.py [-h] [-p PLATFORM] [-s ARGS] [-c ARGS] [-a ASSETS] [-w WORKSHEET] [-i IMAGE] [--images-dir DIR] [--lt-storage DIR] [--node-storage DIR] [--account ACCOUNT] [--script-dir DIR] [--log-dir DIR] [--env ENVS] [--interactive] [--tb-on-interactive]
[--install-notify] [--notify-webhook-key NOTIFY_WEBHOOK_KEY] [--notify-event-name NOTIFY_EVENT_NAME] [--list] [-n N] [--upload] [--download]
Experiment runner
positional arguments:
EXP_KEY Experiment Key
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PLATFORM, --platform PLATFORM
The computation platform we're running the experiment
-s ARGS, --slurm-args ARGS
Slurm args
-c ARGS, --cl-args ARGS
Codalab `run` args
-a ASSETS, --assets ASSETS
Experiment assets that should be copied to container
-i IMAGE, --image IMAGE
Container Image
--env ENVS Environment variables passed to the container, e.g. X1=V1,x2=V2
--interactive Run in the interactive mode
--list List all experiments on this platform
-n N Number of items in the list
Here is an example:
module load miniconda/3
conda activate grokking
gr_launch_exp --slurm-args "--gres=gpu:48gb:1 --partition=long -t 3:00:00 -c 4 --mem=10G" \
--image pt.sif <exp_key>
We use the following script:
usage: upload_experiment.py [-h] [-s CONFIGS[,CONFIGS,CONFIGS]] [-c cmd -a -b[,cmd -c -d]] [-d DATASET] [-p project] [-e KEY=VAL[,KEY=VAL]]
Make Experiment Bundle
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Config file names
-c cmd -a -b[,cmd -c -d], --commands cmd -a -b[,cmd -c -d]
Experiment commands
-d DATASET, --dataset DATASET
Dataset name's bundle
-p project, --project project
CometML project
-e KEY=VAL[,KEY=VAL], --env-vars KEY=VAL[,KEY=VAL]
Experiment environment variables
Here is an example:
python scripts/upload_experiment.py --configs "configs/power_et_al2.conf,configs/data/moddiv.conf" \
--commands "train"