Yggdrasil - Preservation Service
git clone https://[email protected]/Det-Kongelige-Bibliotek/Yggdrasil.git
Replace 'gitusername' with your own gitusername. This is necessary, if you want to push commits back to master branch
Run "mvn clean -Dmaven.test.skip=true package" to download dependencies to local Maven repository.
Eclipse (with git support) : Eclipse 4.2+ (Juno release and above)
Java Oracle JDK 1.7.0_17+ (currently also compiles with Java Oracle JDK 1.6.0_32+)
Source code level 1.6 (changed to 1.7 if needed)
Apache Maven 3.0.4+
RabbitMQ installed on your development machine. Note that rabbitmq depends on Erlang.
Go to directory of git working tree for Yggdrasil project
mvn eclipse:eclipse
You now have a eclipse project for the code
You may need to add a classpath variable in Eclipse named M2_REPO to point at the repository folder inside your .m2 repository. Some Eclipse distributions have this by default, some don't.
Then perform the following steps:
- Add your local git repository to the list known by the Git Repository Exploring tab (use the Git icon with the green +). You should have now an Yggdrasil repository in the list.
- Go to File->Import and select Git->Projects from Git and click Next.
- Select as Repository Source "Local" and click Next.
- Select as Git Repository the Yggdrasil repository, and click next.
- Select as Wizard for importing projects "Import existing projects"
- Finally, on the Import projects page, select the directory of the local Yggdrasil repository, and optionally add the project to an existing workset.
You can now edit or add files in eclipse
It is probably still preferable to make the commits, pushes, and pull using the commandline git command
Note that each time new dependencies are added to the pom.xml you need to regenerate the Eclipse settings by doing first "mvn eclipse:clean" followed by "mvn eclipse:eclipse"
Some of the unittests assume that you have a rabbitmq server running locally (localhost) on port 5672.
If this is not true (as is the case on RHEL 6 servers, where QPID daemon occupies this port), the command "mvn clean package" will not work.
Instead you must declare other values for RABBITMQ_HOSTNAME and RABBITMQ_PORT in the maven command:
mvn -DRABBITMQ_HOSTNAME=somehost -DRABBITMQ_PORT=5673 clean package
The unittests now also require a bitrepository to run successfully. The settings for this bitrepository must be generated locally, and copied to config/bitmag-development-settings directory. Information of how to setup such a bitrepository and generate the adequate settings can be found here:
mvn clean -Dmaven.test.skip=true package
Update the version variable in pom.xml
Produce the new package using Maven
$ unzip Yggdrasil-$VERSION.zip
$ cd Yggdrasil-$VERSION
Define the correct runningmode (development, test, production)
bash run.sh
Note: the logs are written to logs/yggdrasil.log