The Tensor-based Kronecker Product Singular Value Decomposition (TKPSVD) decomposes an arbitrary tensor A into a unique linear combination of d Kronecker products, characterized by an easy quantification of the relative approximation error. Furthermore, if A is a general symmetric tensor (symmetric, persymmetric, centrosymmetric,...) or has a shifted-index structure (Toeplitz, Hankel, constant fibres), then the Kronecker factors are guaranteed to inherit this structure.
- Functions
- [B,sigmas] = tkpsvd(A,n) or [B,sigmas] = tkpsvd(A,n,R)
Use this function to compute the TKPSVD for tensor A with Kronecker product factors dimensions as specified in n.
- demo.m
Small demo that illustrates the use of most functions in this pacakge.
- Reference
"A constructive arbitrary-degree Kronecker product decomposition of tensors"
Authors: Kim Batselier, Ngai Wong