See the Wiki for full API Documentation
Example Response
"rocket_name":"Falcon 9",
"site_name":"CCAFS SLC 40",
"site_name_long":"Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 40"
"details":"Part of the Explorers program, this space telescope is intended for wide-field search of exoplanets transiting nearby stars. It is the first NASA high priority science mission launched by SpaceX. It was the first time SpaceX launched a scientific satellite not primarily intended for Earth observations. The second stage placed it into a high-Earth elliptical orbit, after which the satellite's own booster will perform complex maneuvers including a lunar flyby, and over the course of two months, reach a stable, 2:1 resonant orbit with the Moon. In January 2018, SpaceX received NASA's Launch Services Program Category 2 certification of its Falcon 9 'Full Thrust', certification which is required for launching medium risk missions like TESS. It was the last launch of a new Block 4 booster, and marked the 24th successful recovery of the booster. An experimental water landing was performed in order to attempt fairing recovery."
See the Contribution guide for detailed steps
Local development info can be found here
- API is using Node.js with the Koa framework
- All data stored in a MongoDB Atlas 3 node replica set cluster
- Latest database mongodump available here
- Uses Redis for route caching
- Uses Jest and Supertest for unit/integration testing
- Uses Travis CI for continuous integration/delivery
- API deployed on a Heroku pipeline with pull request, staging and production servers
- If you have any questions or corrections, please open an issue and we'll get it merged ASAP
- All data and photos are property of Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX)
- I am not affiliated with SpaceX in any way, shape, form, or fashion. Just a fun side project for me
- For any other questions or concerns, just shoot me an email