Assemble contigs from next-generation sequencing reads and return the largest contig that contains given query sequence.
Input is two fasta files, the reads file and the query file. The reads file contains reads of various length from different chromosomes. The query file contains the query to search in the assembled contigs.
A de bruijn graph is constructed from the reads file where nodes are of kmer defined length and the edges are the reads. Once constructed, a depth first search algorithm is run to get all possible contigs starting from nodes with no input edges and iterating over all edges. Contigs are assembled while traversing the graph and returned as a library to search for the query through.Library is searched for query, option for error allowance in string matching.
Output is two files, a fasta file and a tab delimited file. The fasta file contains the longest contig query was found in and contig name. The tab delimited file contains information about where in the contig the query was found and information about the original read the query can be found in.
- matplotlib.pyplot
- numpy
- math
from src import graphCreation, graphTraversal, dataExploration, querySearch, outputFile
def main():
# get reads from file and determine spread
readsFile = 'READS.fasta'
queryFile = 'QUERY.fasta'
kmerSize = 25
allowedError =0
topContigs = 1
chroms = dataExploration.getReadsChromInfo(readsFile)
query = dataExploration.getQuery(queryFile)
# get reads, make graph, get contigs for all chromosomes
output = []
topContigs = {}
for c in chroms:
reads, nodes = graphCreation.makeNodes(chroms[c], kmerSize)
print('Number of reads on ', c, len(chroms[c]))
dataExploration.plotHist(chroms[c], c + ' Read Lengths', 'Reads')
g, startNs = graphCreation.makeClassesDeBruijnGraph(reads, nodes, kmerSize - 1)
contigs = graphTraversal.graphTraverseIter(g, startNs)
print('Number of contigs on ', c, len(contigs))
dataExploration.plotHist(list(contigs.keys()), c + ' Contig Lengths', 'Contigs')
num = 0
for q in query:
# matchID contigID readStart readEnd matchStart matchEnd
matches = querySearch.querySearch(query[q], contigs, allowedError, kmerSize, topContigs)
revMatches = querySearch.querySearch(query[q][::-1], contigs, allowedError, kmerSize, topContigs)
# sort matches by length of key
matches = sorted(list(matches.items()), key=lambda key:len(key[0]), reverse=True)
revMatches = sorted(list(revMatches.items()), key=lambda key:len(key[0]), reverse=True)
revTopMatches = revMatches[0:topContigs]
topMatches = matches[0:topContigs]
# get info for matches
for m in topMatches:
contigID = 'contig'+ str(num+1)
topContigs[contigID] = m[0]
matchInfo = m[1][0], contigID, str(m[1][1]), str(m[1][1]+len(query[q])), str(m[1][2]), str(m[1][2]+len(query[q]))
# get reverse matches info
for m in revTopMatches:
contigID = 'contig'+ str(num+1)
topContigs[contigID] = m[0]
matchInfo = m[1][0], contigID, str(m[1][1]), str(m[1][1]-len(query[q])), str(m[1][2]), str(m[1][2]-len(query[q]))
# write to output Files
outputFile.outputQueryInfo(output, outFile)
outputFile.outputContigs(topContigs, outFasta)
default, specify reads and query input
$ python .\ READS.fasta QUERY.fasta
specify kmer length of nodes overlap
$ python .\ READS.fasta QUERY.fasta --kmerSize=10
- fasta file
- each two lines gives where the read is from and the read
- fasta file
- each two lines give information about query and query
- Number of reads on 2S43D 62278
- Number of start nodes: 48052
- Number of contigs 2S43D 58199
- Number of reads on 2G5Z3 62242
- Number of start nodes: 47905
- Number of contigs 2G5Z3 58180
- fasta file
- each two lines gives information about longest contig containing query and contig
- tab delimited file
- describes alignment of query to longest contig
- sseqid qseqid sstart send qstart qend
- sseqid : name of sequence read
- qseqid : name of contig
- sstart : start coord of query in sequence read
- send : end coord of query in sequence read
- qstart : start coord of query in contig
- qend: end coord of query in contig