This module provides access to the Lucidworks Fusion REST API through Python, allowing convenient queries and idempotent initializatoin of a configuratoin.
make test
For every use case, set an environment variable to specify how to connect to your Fusion:
from fusionpy.fusion import Fusion
collection = Fusion().get_collection()
collection.index(docs, pipeline='default')
from fusionpy.fusion import Fusion
collection = Fusion().get_collection()
resp = collection.query(pipeline='default', qparams={"q": "foo:bar"})
print resp.body
.PHONY: all stats queries check clean print-fusion-config
all: stats
# This URL should work when things are set up correctly, and it must point to the collection.
export FUSION_API_COLLECTION_URL=http://admin:topsecret1@localhost:8764/api/apollo/collections/mythings
# Clear out most files, so that a fresh run will re-index & re-query
python -m fusionpy.tool delete
rm -f indexed configured ...
configured: solutiondupes.json solr-config/*
# Configure if it's empty, succeed if it's matching, fail if it's mismatching
python -m fusionpy.tool configure solutiondupes.json
touch $@
indexed: index_my_stuff stuff.json configured
# Index all the duplicates
touch $@
queries runrecord.csv querystats.json: test_queries indexed
# Query, measure recall & precision, save out some stats to querystats.json
$(if $(wildcard runrecord.csv),,echo $(RUNRECORD_HEADER) >runrecord.csv)
echo -n `date --utc +%Y-%m-%d\ %T,` >>runrecord.csv
./test_queries >>runrecord.csv
stats: calcstats querystats.json
# Deep look at data
# These targets are for saving configuration
# Write this file into fusion-config-to-save.json and it will feed into the export-fusion-config target
python -m fusionpy.tool dir
mythings-config.json: fusion-config-to-save.json
python -m fusionpy.tool export fusion-config-to-save.json >mythings-config.json
Flow for this Makefile:
- Set up Fusion
- The first time,
make print-fusion-config >fusion-config-to-save.json
and edit the output file to be just the things you want to save from Fusion. - Save the Fusion configuration with
make mythings-config.json
- Run tests against your data set with
make stats
- Adjust Fusion config and repeat from step 3.