- Southern California
Modified version of fldigi - a soundcard decoding program
Open Source libs to access the saleae logic analyzer hardware http://www.saleae.com/logic/
Dump1090 is a simple Mode S decoder for RTLSDR devices
automatically join open and internet connect wireless networks on linux
CNCBASHER / scanbooth
Forked from jherrm/scanboothScanBooth is a collection of software for running a 3D photo booth. It includes tools for automating 3D scan capture, cleanup, printing and sharing.
Code and configurations to use LinuxCNC to control a RepRap 3D printer
eduble / contiki
Forked from contiki-os/contikiThe official git repository for Contiki, the open source OS for the Internet of Things
jgoppert / PX4-Autopilot
Forked from PX4/PX4-AutopilotPX4 Firmware for PX4FMU autopilot and PX4IO servo / failsafe board
Web interface for reprap's, makerbot's, ultimakers attached to a raspberry pi with usb interface / pronsole
CNCBASHER / gcc4mbed
Forked from adamgreen/gcc4mbedProject to allow offline GCC compilation of code using mbed cloud libraries.
3D printer controller software for BeagleBone with BeBoPr Cape. For information about the BeBoPr++ follow this link: https://github.com/modmaker/BeBoPr-plus-plus
Machine readable MCU peripheral register definition and annotation files.
SparkFun's Public Eagle PCB Footprints
esden / blackmagic
Forked from blackmagic-debug/blackmagicIn applicaiton debugger for ARM Cortex-M3 microcontrollers.
A bare-bones project directory for an STM32. Includes the ST libraries, bootloader code, etc.
C/ASM code for an ARM-based robot with a vision system to follow the user