Video classification using CNN and LSTM
We worked on action recognition in search and rescue using drone surveillance. Our aim was to classify a video on help or non-help class. Which can be used during a disaster as at many places peopl…
This project is designed to classify human action recognition datasets with a CNN + LSTM model.
Codebase for the paper LSTM Fully Convolutional Networks for Time Series Classification
Independently Recurrent Neural Networks (IndRNN) implemented in pytorch.
Independently Recurrent Neural Network - IndRNN using "NTU RGB+D" Action Recognition Dataset
Action Recognition using Resnet on MSR 3d Activity dataset
TensorFlow implementation of Independently Recurrent Neural Networks
Skeleton-based Action Recognition
Algorithm Engineer Toolbox, for the purpose of quickly iterating new ideas
End-to-End Fine-Grained Action Segmentation and Recognition Using Conditional Random Field Models and Discriminative Sparse Coding
Predicting the action being done in a video using LSTMs and SVM
Three steps to train your own model for action recognition based on CNN and LSTM by PyTorch.
Skeleton-based Action Recognition using TS-LSTM model
This repository contains script to divide a video into key frames.
Wrapper to expose Kinect for Windows v2 API in Python
NTU Fall 2019 Deep Learning for Computer Vision Homework 4 - Action Segmentation
Improvement by adding scaling to sliding windows resulted in 3.2% increase in precision.