University of Washington
- Seattle
RobStatTM Public
Forked from msalibian/RobStatTMCompanion package to the 2nd edition of the book "Robust Statistics: Theory and Methods"
R UpdatedApr 3, 2023 -
leetcode-algorithm Public
Forked from lxztju/leetcode-algorithm分类整理leetcode算法题解,代码语言采用c++与python实现
UpdatedFeb 16, 2021 -
fit.models Public
Forked from cran/fit.modelsdevelop ggplot type of plotting functions for fit.models
R UpdatedAug 3, 2020 -
tutorials Public
Forked from pytorch/tutorialsJupyter Notebook BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 20, 2019 -
Recommenders Public
Forked from recommenders-team/recommendersRecommender Systems
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedApr 3, 2019 -
Document-Formats Public
Forked from sigchi/Document-FormatsEverything you need to know to publish using LaTeX or Word and then some.
TeX GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedMar 27, 2019 -
mpo Public
Companion to Modern Portfolio Optimization with R, 2nd Edition
vowpal_wabbit Public
Forked from VowpalWabbit/vowpal_wabbitJohn Langford's original release of Vowpal Wabbit -- a fast online learning algorithm
C++ Other UpdatedSep 30, 2014 -
shiny-dev-gallery Public
Forked from Tavpritesh/shiny-dev-galleryA Gallery of Shiny apps to display at the Shiny Dev Center (http://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery)
JavaScript UpdatedJul 23, 2014 -
ndtv-shiny Public
Forked from Statnet-Summer-Project/ndtv-shinyR-Shiny interface for ndtv package
R GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 25, 2014 -
ergm-shiny Public
Forked from statnet/statnetWebGNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 25, 2014 -
world-cup Public
Forked from openfootball/worldcupFree open public domain football data (football.db) for the World Cup (Brazil 2014, Russia 2018, etc.) and World Cup Quali(fiers)
PHP UpdatedJun 10, 2014 -
devtools Public
Forked from r-lib/devtoolsTools to make an R developer's life easier
R UpdatedMay 9, 2014 -
rstudio Public
Forked from rstudio/rstudioRStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R
Java Other UpdatedJul 24, 2013 -
gWidgetsWWW2 Public
Forked from jverzani/gWidgetsWWW2gWidgets API for web programming
R UpdatedFeb 8, 2013 -
uw_python_tutorial Public
Forked from chrisjordansquire/uw_python_tutorialPython tutorial for UWashington math, stat, biostat graduate students