This is a technical challenge for frontend engineer candidates for KeetHealth. This challenge is designed to assess your skills as a frontend engineer.
Build a to-do app using React and Apollo that consumes this API using only the packages listed in the package.json file. The finished web app should implement at least the following queries/mutations:
- todos
- add
- destroy
- save
If you'd like, feel free to implement the other mutations:
- toggle
- clearCompleted
- toggleAll
Keep in mind that the API database is public and shared, thus you may see data changes caused by other users. As a result, it may be wise to skip the clearCompleted and toggleAll mutations. Don't worry about it if you run into data synchronization issues as a result of other users' activity.
- Fork this repo.
- Run
npm install
oryarn install
- Run
npm start
oryarn start
- You should see Compiled Successfully on terminal and the base app appear in your browser.
- Head to the API repo, fork the repo, and follow the instructions on the README.
- Once the server is running, begin building your web app using the components available in the UI kit react-md. While you are free to build your own components, please utilize the kit wherever possible.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. If you run into any issues setting up this boilerplate, please refer to the user guide. If you are unable to find a solution, please contact Ardy from KeetHealth.
- Run
npm test
to run the test suite. You could also runyarn test
but I have seen issues in the past with it so I recommend usingnpm test
. - Run
npm test -- --coverage
to see your test coverage.
You will be graded on several aspects of your finished code, such as but not limited to
- Utilization of ES6 & ES7 features
- Code Readability
- Using Component, PureComponent, and Stateless components
- Test Coverage
- File Organization