This project implements an AI-powered chatbot specializing in healthcare information. It uses a vector database for efficient information retrieval and a language model for generating responses.
- Answers medical questions using a combination of pre-stored information and AI-generated responses
- Uses a vector database (Chroma) for efficient information retrieval
- Falls back to a base language model when no relevant information is found in the database
- Preprocesses and splits healthcare data for training and validation
This project uses the Comprehensive Medical Q&A Dataset from Kaggle: Comprehensive Medical Q&A Dataset
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
We gratefully acknowledge the use of the Comprehensive Medical Q&A Dataset from Kaggle in this project.
Perform more extensive data exploration
- Analyze distribution of question types
- Examine question and answer lengths
- Identify common medical terms and topics
- Visualize key insights from the dataset
Enhance data preprocessing
- Implement text cleaning (remove special characters, standardize formatting)
- Perform named entity recognition for medical terms
- Apply advanced tokenization techniques
- Explore options for data augmentation
Evaluate and improve data quality
- Identify and handle potential data inconsistencies
- Implement a method to detect and remove duplicate entries
- Consider adding additional metadata (e.g., difficulty level, topic categories)
Optimize data storage and retrieval
- Experiment with different vector embedding techniques
- Fine-tune Chroma database parameters for better performance
- Implement caching mechanisms for frequently accessed data
Enhance model performance and capabilities
- Experiment with fine-tuning the language model on medical data
- Implement a hybrid retrieval-generation approach
- Explore few-shot learning techniques for improved accuracy
Improve user experience
- Develop a user-friendly web interface or chat application
- Implement multi-turn conversations and context tracking
- Add support for voice input and text-to-speech output