Let's all agree that Pixar's Inside Out is great! At least that's what its IMDB ratings suggest. IMDB and similarly Rotten Tomatoes, are making it pretty easy for us to find great movies like Inside Out with their rankings (see Top 250 on IMDB). It is likewise easy to find movies that are not worthy of anyone's time, but could be interesting to take a quick look at to see how bad a movie can be -- you could checkout The 40 Worst Movies of All Time.
But then, there are those "love it or hate it" types of movies. Those movies can be hard to find among the usual movie rankings: their average scores are likely to be mediocre, and therefore hidden among those other ones that most people agree are just, yes, mediocre. We need a way to rank what movies are the most polarizing, which we can then use as a starting point to uncover the actual hidden gems that are worth watching.
I will now present you with exactly that: a ranking of movies on IMDB by how polarizing they are to viewers.
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Happy movie watching.