printf() The printf project is a collaboration between AbdulRahman MAFE and Emmanuel DAUDU , students of Software Engineering at ALX.
This function named "_printf()" imitates the actual "printf()" command located in the stdio.h library of C programming Language. It contains some of the basic features and functions found in the manual 3 of "printf".
_printf() is a function that performs formatted output conversion and print data. Its prototype is the following:
int _printf(const char *format, ...) Where format contains the string that is printed.
_printf() is a variadic function, it can receives n arguments that replace by n tags written inside the string.
The format tags prototype is the following:
%[flags][length]specifier If the program runs successfully, the return value is the amount of chars printed.
File Functions _printf.c Own Printf Function That Performs Formatted Output Conversion And Print Data.
holberton.h Header File Where All Prototypes Are Saved.
get_print_func.c Pointer To A Function That Selects The Correct Function To Perform The Operation.
print_buf.c Function That Prints The Buffer.
handl_buf.c Function That Concatenates The Buffer Characters.
print_chr.c Function That Writes The Character C To Stdout.
/* Indetifier : %c */
print_str.c Function That Writes The String To Stdout.
/* Indetifier : %s */
print_int.c Function That Prints An Integer.
/* Indetifier : %i or %d */
print_bnr.c Function That Prints Decimal In Binary.
/* Indetifier : %b */
print_oct.c Function That Prints Decimal In Octal.
/* Indetifier : %o */
print_hex.c Function That Prints Decimal In Hexadecimal.
/* Indetifier : %x */
print_upx.c Function That Prints Decimal In Uppercase Hexadecimal.
/* Indetifier : %X */
print_usr.c Function That Prints A String And Values Of Non-Printed Chars.
/* Indetifier : %S */
print_unt.c Function That Prints An Unsigned Integer.
/* Indetifier : %u */
print_rev.c Function That Writes The String To Stdout In Reverse.
/* Indetifier : %r */
print_rot.c Function That Writes The String To Stdout In Rot13.
/* Indetifier : %R */
print_add.c Function That Prints The Address Of An Input Variable.
/* Indetifier : %p */
print_long_oct.c Function That Prints Long Decimal Number In Octal.
/* Indetifier : %lo */
print_long_hex.c Function That Prints Long Decimal Number In Hexadecimal.
/* Indetifier : %lx */
print_long_int.c Function That Prints A Long Integer.
/* Indetifier : %li */
print_long_upx.c Function That Prints A Long Decimal In Uppercase Hexadecimal.
/* Indetifier : %lX */
print_long_unt.c Function That Prints A Long Unsigned Integer.
/* Indetifier : %lu */
print_short_oct.c Function That Prints Short Decimal Number In Octal.
/* Indetifier : %ho */
print_short_hex.c Function That Prints Short Decimal Number In Hexadecimal.
/* Indetifier : %hx */
print_short_int.c Function That Prints A Short Integer.
/* Indetifier : %hi */
print_short_upx.c Function That Prints A Short Decimal In Uppercase Hexadecimal.
/* Indetifier : %hX */
print_short_unt.c Function That Prints A Short Unsigned Integer.
/* Indetifier : %hu */
print_num_hex.c Function That Print A Number In Hexadecimal Begining With 0 And x.
/* Indetifier : %#x */
print_num_oct.c Function That Prints A Number In Octal Begining With 0 And o.
/* Indetifier : %#o */
print_num_upx.c Function That Prints A Number In Uppercase Hexadecimal.
/* Indetifier : %#X */
print_plus_int.c Function That Prints An Integer With Plus Symbol.
/* Indetifier : %+i */
print_space_int.c Function That Prints An Integer Begining With 0 And u.
/* Indetifier : % i */
ev_print_func.c Function That Returns The Amount Of Indetifiers.
Authors AbdulRahman MAFE and Emmanuel Daudu
End AbdulRahman & Emmanuel @ ALX software engineering programme 2022.