Generate personal blog posts from user's GitHub Gist.
Python3.7 needed
pip install blogist
blogist -n {GitHub_login_name}
Your gists which file name has prefix '[blog]' with suffix '.md' will be downloaded in '_post/'. The prefix, suffix and directory can be customized.
- build with CI/CD tools
- comments are extract from gist comments
use Jekyll, just like the default setting of GitHub Pages
- post name
- created time
- updated time
- description
- commonts
- categories [cate1,cate2,cate3...]
- user GitHub profile
- @ GitHub users
- GitHub octicons
Generator | Jekyll | Hugo | Hexo |
Language | Ruby | Go | Javascript |
Theme | Alembic | Minimal | NexT |
Support | 🎉 | ❌ | ❌ |