视频播放器(IJKplayer、ExoPlayer、MediaPlayer),HTTPS,16k page size,支持弹幕,外挂字幕,支持滤镜、水印、gif截图,片头广告、中间广告,多个同时播放,支持基本的拖动,声音、亮度调节,支持边播边缓存,支持视频自带rotation的旋转(90,270之类),重力旋转与手动旋转的同步支持,支持列表播放 ,列表全屏动画,视频加载速度,列表小窗口支持拖…
Control and manage Android devices from your browser.
Haven is for people who need a way to protect their personal spaces and possessions without compromising their own privacy, through an Android app and on-device sensors
Cache support for any video player with help of single line
Android Studio Plugin,Translate English to Chinese. Android Studio 翻译插件,可以将英文翻译为中文.