SmartThingsPublic Public
Forked from SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsPublicSmartThings open-source DeviceTypeHandlers and SmartApps code
Groovy UpdatedSep 3, 2017 -
(OS X) Removes undesired preferred networks
Shell MIT License UpdatedMay 5, 2014 -
User-Interfaces Public
Forked from macbrained/User-InterfacesUI Examples
Objective-C UpdatedNov 1, 2013 -
mac-scripts Public
Forked from ox-it/mac-scriptsPerl GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 16, 2013 -
changecomputername Public
this script changes the computer name to MAC[SERIAL#] and creates a log
Shell The Unlicense UpdatedSep 21, 2013 -
dotfiles Public
Forked from mathiasbynens/dotfiles.files, including ~/.osx — sensible hacker defaults for OS X
ARD-Inspector Public
Forked from ygini/ARD-InspectorThis tools allow you to decrypt the Apple Remote Desktop database (with the need of the Master Password) and access to the registered password.
Objective-C Other UpdatedJun 30, 2013 -
JAMF.Composer.Manifest Public
Forked from wbs75/JAMF_Composer_ManifestPackage Manifest for JAMF Composer
1 UpdatedMay 27, 2013 -
dc.files.osx Public
Forked from dcunited001/dc.files.osxSetup scripts and PList files for OSX. Still trying to keep all keyboard shortcut configs in dc.files.kbd repo.
Shell UpdatedMay 22, 2013 -
more-munki-tricks Public
Forked from natewalck/more-munki-tricksFiles for the 2013 PSU MacAdmins talk on More Munki Tricks
Shell UpdatedMay 12, 2013 -
mcxToProfile Public
Forked from timsutton/mcxToProfileConvert OS X property lists and MCX into Configuration Profiles with Custom Settings payloads
Python UpdatedMay 1, 2013 -
homebrew Public
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrewThe missing package manager for OS X.
Ruby UpdatedOct 24, 2012 -
reposado Public
Forked from wdas/reposadoHost Apple Software Updates on the hardware and OS of your choice.
Python Other UpdatedOct 24, 2012 -
rtrouton_scripts Public
Forked from rtrouton/rtrouton_scriptsScripts to share
Shell UpdatedOct 24, 2012 -
AndrewSeago---Scripts Public
Scripts that I have created or modified and would like to share
munkiserver Public
Forked from jnraine/munkiserverA server component to munki
Ruby UpdatedSep 30, 2012 -
cocoadialog Public
Forked from cocoadialog/cocoadialogCommon GUI controls for OS X scripting
ML_for_Hackers Public
Forked from johnmyleswhite/ML_for_HackersCode accompanying the book "Machine Learning for Hackers"
R UpdatedSep 24, 2012 -
terminal-notifier Public
Forked from julienXX/terminal-notifierSend User Notifications on Mac OS X 10.8 from the command-line.
Objective-C UpdatedSep 20, 2012 -
CFPropertyList Public
Forked from TECLIB/CFPropertyListPHP Implementation of Apple's PList (binary and xml)
PHP MIT License UpdatedAug 27, 2012