R2Py2 helps you convert you css between directions. Converting RTL layouts to LTR and vise versa. An example input output will look something like this:
** Before **
#someId {
float: left;
margin-right: 2px;
padding: 1px 2px 3px 4px;
left: 5px;
.someClass {
text-align: right;
** After **
#someId {
float: right;
margin-left: 2px;
padding: 1px 4px 3px 2px;
right: 5px;
.someClass {
text-align: left;
Just download and unpack; then run (make sure the file has executing permissions by chmod-ing it):
./r2py2.py input.css -o output.css
You can also omit the -o option and output will be sent to stdout (from there you can redirect it as you wish). For example you could do:
$ ./r2py2.py input1.css -o giant-output.css
$ ./r2py2.py input2.css > giant-output.css
$ ./r2py2.py input.css | less
R2Py2 uses the cssutils library for parsing the input file
- Support for multiple input files
- Support minified output by option flag
- Support URL inputs
- Support inline styles embedded in HTML
- Add unit test to verify I don't break stuff
Please feel free to submit other feature requests if you have any... plus it should be very easy for anyone to add new tag swapping into the mechanism
R2Py2 will only work as good as what you give it, therefore inline-styles embedded in your HTML will not converted, and therefore may cause unexpected results. However inline-styles apart from R2Py2 is still a bad idea, and you should avoid it anyway in favor of separating content from presentation.
The idea behind this project is really by @ded R2 project). I wanted to use his library for something personal but since I don't deal with Node at all I had to come up with my out python version of this tool. Think of this as a python port of R2 (which is also why I called it R2Py2 ... because it sounds like R2D2.. yeah, nerdy.)