A Virtual Environment is an isolated working copy of Python which allows you to work on a specific project without worry of affecting other projects
Follow this guide to set up your virtualenv for this project; https://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Run make dependencies
to install dependencies
Run Make
to list available commands
Copy environment_sample.sh
and create an environment.sh
file and fill in the env vars
export DATABASE_URL_development=<postgres url>
export API_development=<development endpoint, defaults to localhost:5000>
export ADMIN_CLIENT_ID=<admin client id>
export ADMIN_CLIENT_SECRET=<admin client secret>
export JWT_SECRET=<secret key>
export PROJECT=<google project name>
export FRONTEND_ADMIN_URL=<URL for the frontend admin>
export API_BASE_URL=<URL for API>
export FRONTEND_URL=<URL for the frontend>
export IMAGES_URL=<URL for images>
# optional below
export EMAIL_DOMAIN=<email domain for admin users>
export ADMIN_USERS=<super admin emails comma separated>
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<location of google credentials>
export GOOGLE_STORE=<name of google storage>
export PAYPAL_URL=<paypal url>
export PAYPAL_USER=<paypal seller account>
export PAYPAL_PASSWORD=<paypal password>
export PAYPAL_SIG=<paypal signature>
export EMAIL_PROVIDER_URL=<email provider url>
export EMAIL_PROVIDER_APIKEY=<email provider api key>
export CELERY_BROKER_URL=<celery broker URL, normally redis>
Run source environment.sh
to make the parameters available
On project path -
Run the api make run
While the application is running, run the ./integration_test.sh
On project path -
./scripts/run_app.sh [ENV]
Where ENV is -
development - port 5000
https://<new acropolis url>/dev/
https://<new acropolis url>/preview/
https://<new acropolis url>/
Imports can be run via integration_test.sh
# import venues
./integration_test.sh -iv
# import speakers
./integration_test.sh -is
# import event types
./integration_test.sh -iet
# import events
./integration_test.sh -ie
# import articles
./integration_test.sh -ia
# import marketing
./integration_test.sh -ima
# import members
./integration_test.sh -ime
# import emails
./integration_test.sh -iem
Images have to be uploaded from the dev machine, after which they can be copied to other storage buckets using gsutil
and rsync
gsutil -m rsync -r -d -p gs://<dev storage name> gs://<target storage name>
Logs are stored under the logs