Use a STM32F407 board to pretend to be a keyboard of an old computer that uses a simple row/column matrix. You connect a PS2 port keyboard to the STM32F407 board. Pressing a key on the PS2 keyboard ends up registering a keypress on the old computer. I made this for the cases where I have some computer mainboard, but not the original keyboard. In this example case, its designed for a Galaksija computer which used a 7 column by 8 row keyboard matrix with the Galaksija strobing each column low in sequence and reading the 8 row lines to see if a key was pressed. It should be feasible to adapt this for other systems that use 8x8 (or larger) key matrixes.
- One part of the program is interrupt driven and is running off the PS2 clock line to read keypresses on the keyboard.
- The keypress is turned into a row and column reference
- some lookup tables determine which row line should be pulled low when the relevant column is strobed low.
- The main loop is continually checking the columns strobes from the old computer. It immediately checks whether it needs to pull a row line low to indicate a key is pressed. The delay between detecting a column strobe low and lodging a response on a row can be critical. I made something similar for an Oric Atmos using an Arduino Uno and that was not as fast I had hoped. For this STM32F4 based thing (running at 168MHz, so not overclocked), I am seeing between 200ns and 350ns response time which is not too bad for this use case.
This is a STM32CubeMX project targetting a STM32F407VGT6 board (it should work on other STM32F407 boards). Assuming you have the ARM compiler chain installed in your PATH, you should be able to just
I just used dfu-util to install. Tie BOOT0 high. Plug it in to a USB port and enter something like
sudo dfu-util -v -d 0483:df11 -a 0 -s 0x08000000 -D build/keyboard-matrix-emulator.bin
Then power off, Put BOOT0 to GND, plug in a PS2 keyboard, plug in the PD and PE ports to the old computer and power up.
Wire the mini DIN PS2 socket to
PC0 - PS2 clock pin
PC1 - PS2 data pin
+5V - +5V
This is specifically for the Galaksija by Fifan board
I've made some extra notes here as my circuit diagram for the Galaksija by Fifan did not match the physical layout of the board
XP2 74LS145 pin STM32F407 pin
---- ----------- -------------
p7 p7 PD6
p6 p4 PD3
p5 p6 PD5
p4 p3 PD2
p3 p5 PD4
p2 p2 PD1
p1 p1 PD0
XP3 74LS251 pin STM32F407 pin
---- ----------- -------------
p8 p1 PE3
p7 p2 PE2
p6 p3 PE1
p5 p4 PE0
p4 p15 PE4
p3 p14 PE5
p2 p13 PE6
p1 p12 PE7
And the Galaksija key matrix. It's a little unusual as far as key matrix's go, as the keys are in somewhat alphabetic order, rather than position order. I think this was due to limited size of the original Galaksija ROM.
col0 col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6
row0 NC H P X 0 8 RET
row1 A I Q Y 1 9 BRK
row2 B J R Z 2 ; RPT
row3 C K S UP 3 : DEF
row4 D L T DOWN 4 , LIST
row5 E M U LEFT 5 = L.SHFT
row6 F N V RIGHT 6 . R.SHFT
row7 G O W SPACE 7 / NC