All the wallets that minted the Pooly NFTs to support PoolTogether Inc's defense. The best wallets in all of crypto 🦜
kroma-network / sp1
Forked from succinctlabs/sp1A performant, 100% open-source, contributor-friendly zkVM.
Official repository for core projects comprising the Celo platform
kesersapi / celo-composer
Forked from celo-org/celo-composercelo-composer is a starter project with all code needed to build, deploy, and upgrade a dapps on Celo.
celo-composer is a starter project with all code needed to build, deploy, and upgrade a dapps on Celo.
ahagagaha / qdao-smartcontract-qdao-locker
Forked from platinum-engineering/qdao-smartcontract-qdao-lockerModular ZK(Zero Knowledge) backend accelerated by GPU