yourname = input("Enter your name: ")
print("Hello {}!. 👋 I'm Armin!".format(yourname))
Hi, I'm Armando (a.k.a., Armin Medx), a Machine Learning Engineer with more than 10 years of experience undertaking projects in the field of software development. I recently worked in the automation of a contact center and the creation of mobile apps using React Native. I’d love to combine my passion for machine learning, especially natural language processing (NLP), with my software development skills to continue creating intelligent products that make the world a better place.
🔭 Skills:
- Python
- Scikit Learn
- Tensorflow
- Keras
- Pytorch
- Javascript
- React / React Native
- NodeJS
- Microsoft Azure (Cognitive Services & Azure Machine Learning)
- Amazon AWS (SageMaker)
- IBM Cloud (IBM Watson Studio).
- Scala
- Spark
🌱 I'm currently passionate about machine learning & data-driven projects
🤔 I’m looking to collaborate on great projects
💬 Ask me about Anything