基于 React + Spring Boot + Picocli + 对象存储的代码生成器共享平台,又分为 3 个循序渐进的子项目:基于命令行的本地代码生成器 + 代码生成器制作工具 + 在线代码生成器平台。实践 Java 命令行应用开发、FreeMarker 模板引擎、多种设计模式、对象存储、十几种优化方法、复杂业务的拆解和系统设计、分布式任务调度系统、Vert.x 响应式编程等
BizSpring Java商城首选,可商用;Vue3,Element UI Plus,Uniapp,微服务,SpringCloud,跨境电商,跨境商城,电商国际化,外贸,独立站,多国语言,移动商城,小程序商城,H5商城,公众号商城,App,Redis,支持多语言,多规格SKU,分销,拼团,砍价,秒杀,优惠券,积分,会员等级,小程序前后端分离,方便二开,Markdown在线文档,代码生成,二…
cms后台管理系统接口 使用nestjs+mysql+typeorm/prisma+docker+jwt+redis+apifox,实现了RBAC权限管理。
This repository contains a reading list of papers on Time Series Segmentation. This repository is still being continuously improved.
SMP是一个「轻量级」流媒体平台。 它支持按流名称进行流或拉流,目前支持三种协议:StreamInfo、CodecInfo 和 Packet,分别管理流或拉的启动、编解码器信息和音频/视频帧。在网络方面,它利用基于boost::Asio的异步IO,允许并发处理大量流和拉取请求。
Collection of awesome parameter-efficient fine-tuning resources.
🔥 Klein is a Paxos based distributed collection tool library, including distributed ArrayList, distributed HashMap, distributed Cache, distributed Lock, etc..
(Shortcuts Disk Operating System) A DOS base on iOS/iPadOS with shortcuts app and Files app
This is the combined collection of the course notes for some of the computer science classes at CMU released online.
Lightweight and fast programming language designed to be written in Chinese.
🦄 This is a Material Design 2 pop-up component developed in Java, combined with Lottie to achieve perfect pop-up functionality. It provides rich interface design and animation effects.
An open source tool focused on software supply chain security. 墨菲安全专注于软件供应链安全,具备专业的软件成分分析(SCA)、漏洞检测、专业漏洞库。
skscope: Sparse-Constrained OPtimization via itErative-solvers
[CVPR'24 Highlight] GPT4Point: A Unified Framework for Point-Language Understanding and Generation.
Deep learning in motion deblurring: current status, benchmarks and future prospects[J], The Visual Computer, 2024.
For the spectral information of bacteria, the multi-branch attention mechanism of the tensorflow architecture and the convolutional neural network training model are used to distinguish bacterial t…
Cpp implementation of various basic robotics algorithms