Tags: kevin-parnow/itkwidgets
Merge pull request InsightSoftwareConsortium#602 from bnmajor/concurr… …ency ENH: Set max concurrency to server logical processors times two
Merge pull request InsightSoftwareConsortium#598 from thewtex/viewer-… …update-pointset BUG: Update viewer for image orientation fix
Merge pull request InsightSoftwareConsortium#584 from thewtex/numpy-m… …ulti-component Numpy multi component
Merge pull request InsightSoftwareConsortium#562 from thewtex/scale-0 BUG: Avoid dask.array chunk size 0
Merge pull request InsightSoftwareConsortium#582 from bnmajor/bump-ui… …-versions ENH: Bump viewer and UI to improve sliders
Merge pull request InsightSoftwareConsortium#569 from PaulHax/bump-vi… …ewer feat(viewer): no interpolation on labels, categorical color maps
Merge pull request InsightSoftwareConsortium#560 from thewtex/monai-ci Monai ci
Merge pull request InsightSoftwareConsortium#555 from thewtex/medical… …-colormaps ENH: Updates for medical colors maps, default color map, volume scatt…