Enterprise ready Apache webserver environment complete with LDAP authentication and WebDAV support. (soon TM)
- K8s Gateway configuration
- DAV locking on K8s?
- Add SAML SSO via Shibboleth module?
- Configure log retention - very little because stdout logging in container will be captured by K8s
dav.svc.xyz:443 -> 444? (some other port) to allow separate VirtualHost for WebDAV
all other 443 traffic can terminate normally (at Gateway, allow 80 into httpd)
- TLS on K8s gateway allows us to remove SSL config from Apache (use for DAV specific traffic?)
dav.httpd.svc.cluster.local:443 -> TLS terminate @ Gateway -> VirtualHost:443 for WebDAV ONLY
- I think this is possible - may have to find another way to differentiate traffic
- Would like to avoid putting WebDAV on anything other than 443
- Needs to be separate from normal traffic due to httpd-2.4 issues with WebDAV and indexing
httpd.svc.cluster.local:80 -> httpd.svc.cluster.local:443
httpd.svc.cluster.local:443 -> TLS terminate @ Gateway -> VirtualHost:80 for normal traffic