30 subjects performed six activities wearing a smartphone. Data was collected on the 3-axial linear acceleration and angular velocity. The 30 subjects were placed in 2 sets, a train group and a test group.
For full description of the data…
To get the raw data…
- - description the variables and steps taken to transform the raw data
- run_analysis.r - the script to complete the transformation
- finalTidyDataset.txt - final output file
Instructions for Script
- Create a folder within your working directory called data
- Download the raw data from the link above into your data folder
- Install the reshape2 package into R
- Execute the run_analysis script
Overview of steps occurring within the run_analysis script
Read in files for feature, activity labels, subjectID, activityID and measurement data for both the train and test datasets
Renamed the columns in the train and test datasets to the appropriate feature names from the features.txt file
Subsetted each dataset to only include column measurements that included a mean "mean()" or standard deviation "std()" measurement
Combined the subjectID, activityID and the subsetted data together using cbind for the train and the test datasets
Combined the newly created datasets to gather to create one master dataset
Cleaned up the column names by removing unneeded values
Matched the activity name to the activity ID and added activity name to the dataset
Re-ordered the dataset to a cleaner layout and removed unneeded columns to create the main "Tidy" dataset
Reshaped the Tidy dataset to create a new Tidy set with averages of the mean and std by subject and activity
exported this final table out to a text file.