Smart Tab Switcher is a powerful browser extension that helps users efficiently manage and switch browser tabs through an intuitive interface and quick search functionality.
- 🚀 Quick Launch: Trigger with
(Mac) orAlt+T
(Windows/Linux) - 🔍 Real-time Search: Instantly search through open tabs and bookmarks
- ⌨️ Keyboard-Centric: Complete keyboard navigation support
- 🎯 Smart Matching: Fuzzy search for quick target page location
- 🔖 Bookmark Integration: Search results include bookmarks for quick access
- 🌐 URL Recognition: Smart URL detection and direct opening
- 🔄 Google Search: Direct Google search when no matches found
You can install Smart Tab Switcher from your browser's extension store:
Or install manually:
- Download the latest release from GitHub Releases
- Follow the browser-specific installation steps below:
- Chrome/Edge:
- Go to Extensions page
- Enable Developer mode
- Click "Load unpacked"
- Select the extracted release folder
- Firefox:
- Go to
- Click "This Firefox"
- Click "Load Temporary Add-on"
- Select
from the extracted folder
- Go to
- Chrome/Edge:
Launch Search
- Mac: Press
- Windows/Linux: Press
- Or click the extension icon in the toolbar
- Mac: Press
Search and Navigate
- Type keywords to search tabs and bookmarks
- Use ↑↓ keys to navigate results
- Press Enter to open selected item
- Press Esc to close search interface
Search Result Types
- 📑 Tabs: Switch directly to the corresponding tab
- 🔖 Bookmarks: Open in a new tab
- 🌐 URLs: Direct opening when URL is detected
- 🔍 Google: Search when no matches found
- Node.js (v18+)
- pnpm (v8+)
- Browser (Chrome v88+ / Firefox v109.0+ / Edge v88+)
Clone Repository
git clone cd smart-tab-switcher
Install Dependencies
pnpm install
Development Mode
pnpm dev
Load in Browser
- For Chrome/Edge:
- Go to
- Enable "Developer mode"
- Click "Load unpacked"
- Select the
- Go to
- For Firefox:
- Navigate to
- Click "This Firefox"
- Click "Load Temporary Add-on"
- Select
from thedist/firefox
- Navigate to
- For Chrome/Edge:
pnpm build
Built files will be located in the dist
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.
The GPLv3 License means:
- ✅ You can view and modify the source code
- ✅ You can redistribute the code
- ✅ You must keep the same license for derivative works
- ✅ You must disclose the source code of derivative works
- ❌ You cannot use the code in proprietary/closed source projects
- ❌ You cannot modify the license terms
For more details, please see the full license text.
See for version history.