By Kevin Liu
I am attempting to learn Ruby using the iPad version of Sololearn. I will be including course notes throughout this repository. The date next to the section is the date of completion (MM/DD/YYYY).
SoloLearn is a free online resource for software engineers who are looking to learn a new programming language from scratch. They have tracks in 13 languages, including Python, HTML, CSS, SQL, and JavaScript.
Ruby is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. It was designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan. Ruby is dynamically typed and uses garbage collection and just-in-time compilation.
Basic Concepts (07/19/2021)
- What is Ruby
- Hello, Ruby!
- Comments
- Variables
- Doing Math
- Operator Precedence
- Strings
- Getting User Input
Control Structures (07/19/2021)
- Booleans
- Comparison Operators
- if Statements
- else/elsif/unless Statements
- Logical Operators
- case Statements
- while and until Loops
- Ranges
- for Loops
Collections (07/20/2021)
- Arrays
- Array Manipulations
- Hashes & Symbols
- Nested Arrays & Hashes
- Iterators
- Letter Frequency Counter
Methods (07/21/2021)
- Defining & Calling Methods
- Method Parameters
- Default and Optional Parameters
- Return Values from Methods
- Variable Scope
- Recursion
Object Oriented Programming (07/23/2021)
- Classes & Objects
- Instance Variables
- Instance Methods and Accessors
- Accessor Methods
- Class Methods & Variables
- The to_s Method
- Inheritance
- super
- Operator Overloading
- Access Modifiers
- A Simple Game
Modules, Mixins, Standard Classes (07/24/2021)
- Modules and Mixins
- Namescaping
- structs
- Math and Time
- Procs
- Lambdas
Working with Files (07/25/2021)
- Creating and Opening Files
- Reading and Writing Files
- Deleting Files
- Getting File Info