A GitHub Action designed to ensure developers maintain consistent line endings, preventing issues caused by developers who may overlook or misunderstand Git's line ending settings (particularly autocrlf setting in Windows).
By default checks all files in the repository (excluding the .git
folder), but can be given a list of separate directories to check include exclude glob/regex pattern and a dir depth to search.
Some references to line endings functionality included in git
- how to set specific line endings for each file by using gitattributes: https://git-scm.com/docs/gitattributes#_text
- https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/using-git/configuring-git-to-handle-line-endings
- https://adaptivepatchwork.com/2012/03/01/mind-the-end-of-your-line/
: Directory/Folder path to check. that represents the root of repo ($GITHUB_WORKSPACE). [default: "."]line_ending_type
: Check CRLF/LF or mixed line ending. Possible values are CRLF, LF or MIXED (case insensitive). - CRLF: Checks files only with CRLF line endings. - LF: Checks files only with LF line endings. - MIXED: Checks files both with CRLF and LF (mixed) line endings. [default: "crlf"]include_pattern
: Include pattern for including files (usingfind -regex
orfind -name
). Note: When pattern_type isregex
, this is used as regex pattern. When pattern_type isshell_glob
, this is used as shell glob pattern. Forregex
pattern_type, the match happens on the whole path. Forshell_glob
pattern_type, the path with the leading directories is removed and is operated on base filenames only. The default value*
is used with the default pattern_typeshell_glob
. See https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/find.1.html for more information. [default: ""]exclude_pattern
: Regular expression for excluding files (usingfind -not -regex
orfind -not -name
). Note: seeinclude_pattern
note section. [default: ""]pattern_type
: Type of pattern match to use forinclude_pattern
. Possible values are eithershell_glob
. Default isshell_glob
. Forregex
pattern_type, the match happens on the whole path. Forshell_glob
pattern_type, the path with the leading directories is removed and match happens on base filenames only. The regex pattern follows egrep syntax. Seeman egrep
for more information. [default: "shell_glob"]max_dir_depth
: Max depth of folder to search for files. Repo root directory./
is at depth 1. Seeman find
for more information. [default: "999"]
name: Example usage
on: push
name: Example workflow using the Check CRLF action
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repository contents
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Use action to check for CRLF endings
uses: kforeverisback/check-crlf-extended@v2
with: # omit this mapping to use default path
directory: ./test-files
line_ending_type: 'LF'
- name: Check CRLF files with include+exclude glob
uses: kforeverisback/check-crlf-extended@v2
continue-on-error: true
directory: ./test-files-2
line_ending_type: 'cRLf'
include_pattern: 'CRLF*'
exclude_pattern: '*only'
- name: Check CRLF files with exclude regex
uses: kforeverisback/check-crlf-extended@v2
continue-on-error: true
directory: ./test-files
line_ending_type: 'CRLF'
exclude_pattern: '.*(EXCLUDE|exclude).*'
pattern_type: 'regex'
This action is based on
with some extended functionality. As well as some help from ChatGPT and Gemini for logging and bash variable manipulation.