My son is a streamer, or aspires to be. I'm not forking out the kind of cash that those crazy top-end devices cost for this hobby, so I thought I could make one myself. I bought the hardware and picked up a Pico W for this project.
- The pico is connecting to wifi using the supplied network/password
- The keypad is setup so that key F (15) is like the menu button. Selecting it lets you pick an "application" which can have 15 different shortcuts you can specify.
- Shortcut keys should map to the virtual key (at least atm as I'm using InputSimulator) so it can be parsed.
- The taskbar app talks to a Windows Service which does the input simulation using IPC
- This is how the user might? configure the app? Might just make sense to make the companion app do all this.
- Design a structure for the config.json to make this easily configurable
- Find a way to connect the pico to the host machine
- Design the maui app to allow easy config (by reading/writing the config file to/from the pico)