Objects recognition server!
Stage | Description | TODOs | Enabled |
linting | Linting check with flake8, mypy, bandit. | Yes | |
test | Run tests with pytest and generate coverage report. | Yes | |
build | Build docker images and push them to docker registry. | Docker login credentials. | Yes |
To make sure that the CI/CD pipeline runs successfully, there are some CI/CD variables need to be set in repository settings.
Environment Variable | Description |
MODE | Run the API service in which MODE ("DEV", "TEST", "PROD"). |
Command | Description |
clean | Remove autogenerated folders and artifacts. |
clean-pyc | Remove python artifacts. |
clean-build | Remove build artifacts. |
bandit | Install and run bandit security analysis. |
mypy | Install and run mypy type checking. |
flake8 | Install and run flake8 linting. |
test | Run tests and generate coverage report. |
THh dependencies are listed in files from folder requirements:
- base.txt: basic requisite dependencies for running the API service.
- dev.txt: dependencies for the local development, linting checks, unit tests.
- doc.txt: dependencies for creating sphinx documentation.
You can install them via:
$ pip install -r requirements/<file name>
Please check the section Running the API Service locally for detailed information.
Please check the section Running Tests locally for detailed information.
Please check the section Building Sphinx Documentation locally for detailed information.
Endpoints | Description |
/api/v1/version | API Service version information |
/docs | Open API documentation |
/api/v1/openapi.json | Open API information in json format |
- Roman Mindlin - Maintainer - [email protected]