Technical problems are nothing more than the next big thing, and "I love it". I believe we all need help, whether it’s me or anyone around me, that’s why a team is more than just a crew working on different tasks, it’s the common goals and shared values that unite us.
I'm looking for challenges to grow, as Rumi Says "yesterday i was clever so I wanted to change the world, today I am wise so i am changing myself". My goal is to ensure I use the knowledge and experience in Tech that companies need. This is not a robot, this profile has a real person behind it.
- 📚 I Studied programming at Bloomtech Institute of Technology (Class September 2022)
- 🌱 I’m currently learning C++ getting to learn High-Level Languages
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on interesting projects, I love the challenge and Im a quick learner
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with learning advance topics, I try to find the answers online but sometimes they're not there, so it takes more time to solve coding problems
- 💬 Ask me about traveling and finance, that was my previous career before programming, but since I found some new love in coding you might as well ask before I forget 🙈
- 📫 How to reach me: email, twitter and a simple SMS works fine
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I wanted to be a Formula 1 Driver when I was in highschool but didnt make it 🐢
- 🙋♂️ I’m currently open for:
An Intern
or a newjob opportunity
Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.
Credits: khaleel737
Last Edited on: 11/14/2022