A launch point for your personal nvim configuration
A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader
Spring Data Example Projects
A standalone local web based user interface for git repositories
Uma maneira fácil de garantir seu próprio cluster Kubernetes gratuitamente e para sempre
The Simplest VPN installer, designed for Raspberry Pi
Demonstrate Senzing stack using `docker-compose`.
CasaOS - A simple, easy-to-use, elegant open-source Personal Cloud system.
🚀 The Architecture of Open Source Applications Volume 1 and Volume 2 & 500 Lines or Less. (PDF)
Springboot 2 OpenID Connect sample application
A simplified Jira clone built with Angular, ng-zorro and Akita
✨ A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular
Runefinder: locate Unicode characters by name. Simplest sensible implementations.
Angular Cookbook, published by Packt
Find the code bundle for "Angular - The Complete Guide [2023 Edition]" course here
Learn Java the Easy Way - Java and Android Source Code Files from the Book and Online Course
Designing Hexagonal Architecture with Java, published by Packt
Tradução do livro Eloquent JavaScript - 2ª edição.