It’s a standalone device to receive send voice messages with one person: lover, family or friend. Open the box, push on the button while you talk, release to send. Your correspondent will receive the voice message on his Telegram phone app or on his own LoveBirds box with a nice motor move and bird song.
See the video here:
This is the method to install from scratch the Love Birds projects. If you want an easier installation method please follow the intructable here to just burn the prebuilt SD card: or here
Wifi initialization: it uses a built-in Raspbian feature just edit a wpa_supplicant.conf file with your credential and copy it on /boot (fat32 volume that is accessible form any computer reading your SD card) put it back in your raspberry PI and reboot, you should be connected to your Wifi. ⇒ initialize the telegram connection, to send messages as the user. configuration is done using a web page managed by Flask that basicaly asks the user to give his Telegram phone number, the confirmation received by SMS, and the name of te correspondent (who you want to talk to).It is copying the PHONE and PEER.txt in some file used later by
. PEER.txt the input format is @JohnBlack
. PHONE international format +33777792516
. Sms configiration file 12345 ⇒ the application itself
-Start from a Raspbian Stretch Lite, and burn it on a SD card
. telethon
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install telethon
. sox
sudo apt-get install sox
. vlc
sudo apt-get vlc
sudo apt-get install python3-gpiozero
sudo apt-get install python-rpi.gpio python3-rpi.gpio
sudo pip3 install flask
If you use the MIC+ sound card install it, otherwise skip this section. MIC+ it's a cool sound card has it has all in one 2 speakers, microphone and a button led.
sudo wget -O mic
sudo bash mic
-Say yes for the reboot
-On the next reboot you have to run the test to finish the installation (it is an ALSA oddness):
sudo wget -O test
sudo bash test
Push the onboard button, you should hear "Front Left" "front Right" then the recorded sequence by the microphone.
Copy the content of this GIT of the directory /LB in /home/pi/LB to start the valentin program at startup : sudo cp /home/pi/LB/rc.local /etc boot the sytem and start a browser from any computer of your local network to complete the configuration of Telegram (see the instructable from that point.)