This project was created on January 12, 2025.
Explore US Bikeshare Data
This project uses Python to explore bikeshare data in three U.S. cities - Chicago, New York City, and Washington. In particular, the data allow you to explore:
Most popular travel times
- Most popular month
- Most popular day
- Most popular hour
Popular stations
- Most popular start station
- Most popular end station
- Most popular combination of start and end stations
Trip Duration
- Average travel time
- Total travel time
User Statistics
- User Type (counts)
- Gender (counts) (not available for Washington)
- Birth Year (not available for Washington)
- Earliest
- Most Recent
- Most Popular
- - Python script to analyze bikeshare data
- chicago.csv - bikeshare data for Chicago
- new_york_city.csv - bikeshare data for New York City
- washington.csv - bikeshare data for Washington
All materials for this project were provided by Udacity.