Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- [supercollider.web
- Instructions
- Features
- Usage
- Screenshots
- Technical Notes
Node.js based web application to create audio files for SuperCollider, with SoundCloud integration.
Thanks to the following people for feedback, suggestions, technical insight and sanity checks. In alphabetical order -
- Batuhan Bozkurt -
- Charlie Roberts -
- crucialfelix -,
- Metin Yerlikaya
- Nicholas Starke -,
- Schemawound -,
- Node.js
- SuperCollider
- Node.js Modules
- dysf.utils
- soundclouder.js
- express
- If you see errors after installing express globally, use
export NODE_PATH=/usr/local/lib/node_modules
- If you see errors after installing express globally, use
- forever
- Ensure /tmp/ is available as Read/Write
- Update
- Once the code has been pulled, change your working directory to 'src'
- run:
USAGE node supercollider.js [CONFIG FILE] [PORT]
- Example
node supercollider.js config.js 8080
- Example
- If you want to run the process in the background, you can
- Install the forever module -
npm install forever
- Run
forever start supercollider.js [CONFIG FILE] [PORT]
.- Example
forever start supercollider.js config.js 8080
- Example
- Install the forever module -
NOTE - The code is very early in development and is not safe to run on any public web server as it could expose your server to security/hacks.
- Web based entry, validation and execution of SuperCollider code
- Streaming of generated audio
- Generation of Audio based on command line execution of 'sclang'
- Supports Basic Auth security
- State saving in the Browser using LocalStorage
- Docs integration
- Post code to Twitter.
- SoundCloud integration to upload/store resulting audio. Post resulting track url to Twitter.
- Realtime interaction with the SuperCollider application via web sockets to facilitate live coding.
- The application wraps SuperCollider code submitted into a Task.
- If the SuperCollider code uses Tasks or Routines, it would need to compatible with being run within a Task.
- Else, you will get an error message that is not very informative, specifically
ERROR: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting '}'
- Examples
- The following code will give the error:
ERROR: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting '}'
( { SynthDef(\test, { var st =;,st!2); }).add; s.sync; Synth(\test); }.fork )
- Thats because its missing a
at the end. The code below works:
( { SynthDef(\test, { var st =;,st!2); }).add; s.sync; Synth(\test); }.fork );
- The following code will give the error:
- As a reference, the resulting code the application sends to SCLang (SuperCollider) is more or less
s.waitForBoot({ ({
//---- START - inserted by server ----
SynthDef(\test, {
var st =;,st!2);
//---- END - inserted by server ----
- The application allows a user to submit SuperCollider code via a form.
- The submitted code is then inserted into a template that facilitates command line execution of SuperCollider (sclang) to generate audio.
- Audio is generated in 16bit 44.1kHz AIFF format.
- Via a post-redirect-get pattern, audio is streamed to the browser.
- src
- supercollider.web.js: The main js file of the application
- config
- config.js: Template config file that should contain SoundCloud client keys, Log levels etc.
- config.illegals.js: Illegal keywords
- html: Publish html/js/css files accessible at http://server:port/
- modules: Custom modules for the application that handle request routing, utils, SoundCloud API etc.
- templates: Template SCD files used to generate SuperCollider code send to sclang
- tests: Vow and PhantomJS tests
- docs: misc stuff
- examples: Sample SuperCollider code that is created, along with the resulting audio.
- leftovers: Experiments, abandoned ideas etc. that may be of interest.
- misc: Reference SuperCollider code that is used for standalone testing of SC integration.