laraspace Public
Forked from laraspace/laraspaceLaravel & VueJS Admin Template
aos Public
Forked from michalsnik/aosAnimate on scroll library
awesome-codeigniter Public
Forked from codeigniter-id/awesome-codeigniterA list of awesome Codeigniter core, helpers, hooks, language, libraries, third party and other cool resources for CodeIgniter 🔥
UpdatedOct 7, 2018 -
searchmap Public
Forked from andriannus/searchmapFind places and Draw on Map using Google Maps API
PHP MIT License UpdatedJul 29, 2018 -
pokemon-quest-recipes-maker Public
Forked from gianemi2/pokemon-quest-recipes-makerLight website for see every recipe and every foundable Pokémon inside Pokémon Quest
JavaScript UpdatedJun 17, 2018 -
gentelella Public
Forked from ColorlibHQ/gentelellaFree Bootstrap 3 Admin Template
HTML MIT License UpdatedJun 7, 2018 -
tabler Public
Forked from tabler/tablerTabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap 4
CSS MIT License UpdatedMay 18, 2018 -
react-native-web Public
Forked from necolas/react-native-webReact Native for Web
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 23, 2018 -
create-react-app Public
Forked from facebook/create-react-appCreate React apps with no build configuration.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 23, 2018 -
CodeIgniter-Google-Maps-V3-API-Library Public
Forked from BIOSTALL/CodeIgniter-Google-Maps-V3-API-LibraryThe library enables you to create a map and overlay multiple markers, polylines, polygons, rectangles, ground overlays and/or circles, all of which are fully customisable. The library also supports…
PHP UpdatedApr 15, 2018 -
php-image-resize Public
Forked from gumlet/php-image-resizePHP library to resize, scale and crop images. Cloud solution available at:
PHP MIT License UpdatedApr 6, 2018 -
Admin-Panel-User-Management-using-CodeIgniter Public
Forked from kishor10d/Admin-Panel-User-Management-using-CodeIgniterAdmin Panel User Management Demo - CodeIgniter + AdminLTE Theme
angular-seed Public
Forked from angular/angular-seedSeed project for angular apps.
bootstrap-sweetalert Public
Forked from lipis/bootstrap-sweetalert🍰 A beautiful "replacement" for JavaScript's alert
CodeIgniter-3.1.5-complete-project-with-frontend-admin Public
Forked from yadunandankushwaha/CodeIgniter-3.1.5-complete-project-with-frontend-adminIn this project we have full bootstrap customized theme template with CI Administrator and front end theme integration. in this project i coverd (Front-end->User login, Registration, Add-edit-updat…
jquery-animateNumber Public
Forked from aishek/jquery-animateNumberjQuery animate number
lightbox Public
Forked from ashleydw/lightboxA lightbox gallery plugin for Bootstrap
lazysizes Public
Forked from aFarkas/lazysizesHigh performance and SEO friendly lazy loader for images (responsive and normal), iframes and more, that detects any visibility changes triggered through user interaction, CSS or JavaScript without…
laravel-auth Public
Forked from jeremykenedy/laravel-authLaravel 5.5 with user authentication, registration with email confirmation, social media authentication, password recovery, and captcha protection. This also makes full use of Controllers for the r…
clean-code-php Public
Forked from piotrplenik/clean-code-php🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for PHP
codeigniter-restserver Public
Forked from chriskacerguis/codeigniter-restserverA fully RESTful server implementation for CodeIgniter using one library, one config file and one controller.
ci-laravel Public
Forked from fearlessforever/ci-laravelCode Igniter Or Laravel ? Why not Both !!!
bogapos Public
Forked from bogasoftware/bogaposPoint Of Sales web based
json-editor Public
Forked from tangram-js/json-editorA schema-aware editor for JSON document. It provides a tree view to present the structure of JSON document, user could manipulate the JSON from context menu. It also has a text view to present the …
marko Public
Forked from marko-js/markoA friendly (and fast!) UI library from eBay that makes building web apps fun
resizeimages Public
Forked from kukuhtw/resizeimageshelp you to resize your thousands images with specified width/height pixels automatically
CodeIgniter Public
Forked from bcit-ci/CodeIgniterOpen Source PHP Framework (originally from EllisLab)