Fiery is an APM-Application Performance Management for the PHP
- All Service in an jar.easy to deploy
- Burial SDK: integrated burial package for php project
- Log Pusher: collect the ragnarsdk logs and push to the server
- Server: index, storage, statistics the logs, web Management interface
- Goto wiki to get More Infomation
- PHP 5.3 or later with bcmath
- Linux, OS X and Windows
- Memory: 2G or more
- Java 8 Runtime
- Download Java 8 Runtime
- tar xvf jdk-1.8.tar.gz
- Download Recent Relasese Jar on Release page
- mkdir logs index db
- Startup the Fiery Server by command:
nohup java -XX:-MaxFDLimit -Xms3750m -Xmx3750m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=240m -XX:+UseCompressedOops -jar ragnarserver-0.5.3-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=9090 &
- Browse the web address
nohup java -XX:-MaxFDLimit -Xms128m -Xmx450m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=240m -XX:+UseCompressedOops -jar logpusher-0.5.3-SNAPSHOT.jar -c ./conf/ &
Tips: now the log pusher supported the kafka 0.9(if you want new version kafka please change pom.xml kafka client depend version)
Log pusher(use config file, cmd option -c specified config file path)
parameter | option | desc |
path | the ragnarsdk log path | which variable defined on nginx parameter |
outTime | log expire clean up day | when the monitored file expire by day will clean up by log pusher |
pushType | http(default) kafka(for the mass log user) | the way you push log to server |
host | | only for http push type,set the fiery server ip:port |
threadCount | 8 | when you using push type http,will improve the push speed but expensive |
kafkaServer |, | kafka broker ip:port,ip:port list |
kafkaTopic | fiery_test | kafka push topic |
Server(use cmd option)
Parameter | option | desc |
--server.port | 9090 | fiery server listened port |
--fiery.kafkaenable | true false | using kafka ? |
--fiery.kafkaserver |, | kafka broker ip:port,ip:port list |
--fiery.kafkatopic | kafka topic | kafka topic.mutiple topic eg:fiery_test,fiery_test1 |
--fiery.kafkagroupid | kafka groupid | kafka groupid |
--fiery.keepdataday | how long the data keep day | the day of log keep |
- Service Manage Shell(startup stop restart)
- Persistent memory statistics
- Statsd
- WeiboAD ADINF Team
- QQ Group: 318051466