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Library of KIE supported assets. Allows to deploy the assets in various runtimes (Quarkus, Spring Boot, Kjar) easily.


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KIE Assets Library

This repository enables to generate projects based on file assets with the use of kie-assets-plugin.


kie-assets-plugin is a plugin to be used to transform any provided assets (DMN, BPMN,..) into a maven project.

This is achieved by configuring project generation method to be used (archetype generation, Quarkus CLI, Maven plugin, ...) for a particular project-type. Ultimate value is in using several methods to generate projects across portfolio, when this plugin allows to easily build various types for a single asset group.




  • Two kind of elements projectDefinition and projectStructure.
  • projectDefinition describes the resulting project, its name, assets included and additional (re)sources needed.
  • projectStructure defines the project structure to be generated. It allows specification of archetype, dependencies and sources to prepare the project.
  • Each projectDefinition instance is resulting in a new set of generated projects (multiplied by number of projectStructure elements.).

Generating projects

  • Generating options are configured in kie-assets-library-assets/pom.xml as projectStructures->projectStructure->generate. Supported generating methods are:

    • Archetypes - specified as:
    • Maven Plugin - specified as:
    • Quarkus CLI -specified as:
      • NOTE: Requires Jbang installed. By default the install is enabled, disable using -Dskip.install.quarkus.cli. Make sure jbang is then on path.
  • Each project defined as projectDefinition is generated in kie-assets-library-assets/target. Project name is composed from projectDefinition->artifactId and projectStructure->id, to allow Cartesian product project generation out of the box.

  • By default, Archetype and Maven Plugin project structures use the same Maven settings and local Maven repository location as the main build. This can be changed using the following configuration:


    This will make all projects generated with this project structure use the provided settings.xml file and this project structure will have a separate local Maven repository under the directory where the projects are generated.

Adapting archetype project stub

  • Config-sets provide convenient way to define additional dependencies or source packages to be added to generated projects. These named sets are useful to implement common functionality across all projectStructures covering implementing details (like adding scenario simulation to your project).
    • Defined in projectStructure in configSets (needs to be activated explicitly, see below):
    • Or as commonConfig:
    • Or even in projectDefinition:
                <include>call centre drd.dmn</include>
                <include>invoke call centre drd model.bpmn</include>
    • As a reusable configuration:
      and later referenced from an arbitrary ConfigSet (see options above, applicable for all configSet, config and commonConfig variants), as:
        <id>someDifferentId</id> <!-- this will be used for activation using activeConfigSets --> 
        <reusableConfig>someId</reusableConfig> <!-- this points just to reusableConfigSets element -->
        <!-- rest of config is ignored if reusableConfig is specified, no merging done. -->
  • See projectStructures in kie-assets-library-support.
  • See projectDefinitions in kie-assets-library-assets.


  • Assets are placed under src/main/resources. Those are then in pom.xml in kie-assets-plugin configuration specified.
  • copyResources enables copying specific Assets from src/main/resources into projects generated above.
              <include>call centre drd.dmn</include>
              <include>invoke call centre drd model.bpmn</include>
  • copySources allows to attach any source code package to the resulting project. The target package is created in the same subtree as is in the library.
  • See profile dmn.

Filtering what is generated

By default Cartesian product of configured projectDefinition : projecStructure pairs is generated. This behavior can be altered using additional configuration.

  • activeDefinitions contains a list of projectDefinition ids. These are then the only included.
    • Exposed property -Dactive.definitions=first,second
  • activeStructures contains a list of projectStructure ids. These are then the only included.
    • Exposed property -Dactive.structures=kjar,quarkus
  • activeConfigSets contains a list of configSet ids. These are then added to execution together with other configuration.
    • Exposed property -Dactive.config.sets=scesim,sthelse


The actual invocation of kie-assets-plugin is in kie-assets-library-generate, which inherits configurations from both kie-assets-library-support and kie-assets-library-assets.

Example build commands:

  • Some configuration is possible to be provided/refined as properties as mentioned in Filtering what is generated.
  • Using exposed properties:
mvn clean package -Dactive.definitions=dmn-generated -Dactive.structures=quarkus,kjar -Dactive.config.sets=scesim
  • Or combination with defined profiles in poms:
mvn clean package -Pdmn -Dactive.structures=quarkus -Dactive.config.sets=scesim


Plugin defines 3 goals:

  • generate-project
  • clean-generated-resources
  • copy-external-resources

executed in that exact order.

See kie-assets-library-assets/pom.xml.


Library of KIE supported assets. Allows to deploy the assets in various runtimes (Quarkus, Spring Boot, Kjar) easily.







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