A framework for building native applications using React
The Aurelia 1 framework entry point, bringing together all the required sub-modules of Aurelia.
kiennguyen / shindig
Forked from apache/shindigMirror of Apache Shindig (incubating)
kiennguyen / gatein-portal
Forked from gatein/gatein-portalGateIn Portal
kiennguyen / juzu
Forked from juzu/juzuA web framework for portlet and portal
kiennguyen / gatein-shindig
Forked from gatein/gatein-shindigGateIn Shindig fork
Store gadget example that run on iGoogle container
Updated Sep 13, 2011
Branch for testing shindig2 on GateIn trunk
Host utility gadgets for running on eXo IDE
kiennguyen / exogtn
Forked from exoplatform/exogtneXo Portal based on GateIn